Cogat score interpretation pdf percentage of students in each comparison group whose scores fell at or below the score obtained by Student. College Level Examination Program,1969 Guide to Interpretation and Use of Test Scores Simon Bugatch,1967 CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 Workbook: Gifted and Talented Test Preparation with CogAT Practice Questions for Forms 7 and 8 Joshua Rueda,2023-06-29 Test Prep Books CogAT Grade Entrance Examination Board. Enter 6B (V-) in the "Input Your Score Profile" section. The key to adapting instruction is the ability profile, an indicator that is derived from the level and pattern of each student’s CogAT scores. Cognitive Development not represented in When it comes to what CogAT score is considered gifted, however, the answer becomes a bit clearer. There are plenty of kids with CogAT composite scores around 120 who get accepted if the school supports their application and gives a very strong GBRS/HOPE. Back to top. A CogAT score profile describes a student’s overall level of performance as well as the patterns of performance. 127. Introduction 1 Part 1 Introduction About This Guide Purpose This Score Interpretation Guidehelps teachers, counselors, and school administrators interpret and use results of the Cognitive Abilities TestTM (CogAT®) Form 7. 6 years old. It’s often used to identify gifted students, assess a student’s strengths, and support academic placement decisions. Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Dec 10, 2024 · Yes, parents can provide referrals, but they are time-consuming, and I might prefer to save my additional information in case of an appeal. 2727 N Ferry St. The CogAT score report includes several different types of scores, including the raw score, standard age score, stanine score and percentile rank. This code summarizes the pattern and level of the student’s scores on the three batteries. Every student assessed with CogAT receives an Ability Profile score that highlights both the level and pattern of a student's ability. • Consider issues sensitively, be honest, and only respond with as much detail as you feel necessary. com. It is advisable to not share your child’s actual score with them as it is hard enough to determine the score as professional Cogat Score Interpretation Guide If you ally infatuation such a referred Cogat Score Interpretation Guide book that will find the money for you worth, get the no question best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. College Level Examination Program,1969 Guide to Interpretation and Use of Test Scores Simon Bugatch,1967 CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 Workbook: Gifted and Talented Test Preparation with CogAT Practice Questions for Forms 7 and 8 Joshua Rueda,2023-06-29 Test Prep Books CogAT Grade •High scores = perform well with mathematical equations and concepts Verbal •Verbal Aptitude •Word Knowledge •Use of Language and Verbal Reasoning •High Score = expected to do well in reading and language activities CogAT 1. For example, if a student’s score profile Aug 22, 2024 · CogAT Test: Overview, Questions, and Scoring. Your child will receive an SAS, or “Standard Age Score. The ability profile code is explained and linked to specific instructional suggestions in the Interactive Profile Interpretation System at www. CogAT scoring is based on your child’s age (not grade level). These computer-based test scores should not be so slow to come out. pdt Web Reponing Supplement to the Score Interpretation Guide. Joni Lakin explains the purposes why the assessment is administered, what it measures, and how to interpret CogAT score reports for families. Accessing Cogat Score Interpretation Guide Free and Paid eBooks Cogat Score Interpretation Guide Public Domain eBooks Cogat Score Interpretation Guide eBook Subscription Services Cogat Score Interpretation Guide Budget-Friendly sample student, scores on the CogAT. - The Grade Scores section compares his performance to students across the nation who are also in grade 3. College Level Examination Program,1969 Guide to Interpretation and Use of Test Scores Simon Bugatch,1967 CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 Workbook: Gifted and Talented Test Preparation with CogAT Practice Questions for Forms 7 and 8 Joshua Rueda,2023-06-29 Test Prep Books CogAT Grade The same report showed that the GBRS score is significantly more important than any test scores in predicting AAP eligibility. Simply type in the student’s profile score to get a rich source of information about him or her. Enter 8A in the "Input Your Score Profile" section. If the CogAT was not administered, omit this box. This information helps you understand how your child is performing relative to their peers, but also in relation to their previous performance. A Note to Parents Direction CogA GO TO COGAT 7 Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful The CogAt provides raw scores, standard age and/or grade scores, Universal Scale Scores, percentile rank scores, stanine scores. Profiles that show Interpretive information – The narrative provides information to help teachers and parents understand the scores presented in the report. College Level Examination Program,1969 Guide to Interpretation and Use of Test Scores Simon Bugatch,1967 CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 Workbook: Gifted and Talented Test Preparation with CogAT Practice Questions for Forms 7 and 8 Joshua Rueda,2023-06-29 Test Prep Books CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 Workbook Gifted and May 28, 2020 · Has your son or daughter been given CogAT ® at school? Or, are you an educator looking to inform parents about what insights CogAT can provide? In this brief overview video, CogAT author Dr. scores. by Sarah Duncan. For the CogAT SAS Score box, mark the student’s score only if the CogAT was taken separately within the past school year. Scores in the 90th percentile or above are generally considered excellent, while scores in the 50th percentile are considered average. Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) measures the cognitive skills of children 5-18 years old. When administered online, CogAT scores are available immediately or within a few days (including "norming"). - The Local Scores section compares his age score performance to students in your local area who are also in grade 3. This guide focuses on activities that occur in the Interpret phase of the assessment life cycle. “A” Three battery score about the sAme Level “B” One score is aBove or Below others “C” There is a substantial Contrast between two scores (a strength AND weakness) “E” Extreme differences (> 24 IQ-like points) Relative strength or weakness V- / Q - / N-V+/ Q+/ N+ Indicates a relatively lower battery score in that area profile score, go to Riverside Publishing’s CogAT® Interactive Ability Profile Interpretation System which is located at www. and links the student’s test scores to “A” profiles: Confidence bands overlap for all three scores. Accessing Cogat Score Interpretation Guide Free and Paid eBooks Cogat Score Interpretation Guide Public Domain eBooks Cogat Score Interpretation Guide eBook Subscription Services Cogat Score Interpretation Guide Budget-Friendly Cogat composite score 132 interpretation example pdf. With 14 different complexity levels and an extensive score report, it is important to know exactly what the CogAT will measure and how it will show you your kid’s scores. For example, the Age Percentile Rank (APR) could provide more nuanced distinctions than stanine scores once a teacher becomes very familiar with differentiating instruction. Focus on the positive aspects and continue nurturing your child's cognitive growth. 60 CogAT Score Interpretation Guide • Engage in a dialogue. Click "Search". Using CogAT practice tests enhances your child For the 2011 score conversions, see the CogAT Form 7 Norms and Score Conversions Guide. We urge that you take the free CogAT test. • Finally, the testing time remains the same, so your school district or testing agency for specific interpretation. Additional Assessments CogAT’s ease of use, equity features, developmentally appropriate test levels, and more make it the trusted choice of the most demanding gifted programs across the country. Put your concerns aside; we've outlined everything you need for a smooth reporting experience this year. For detailed explanations of the score types below, refer to “Score Types Explained,” beginning on page . Educators will be able to visit this page, enter a student's profile, and receive: the same age (Standard Age Score, age percentile rank, age stanine), and a comparison to other students in the same grade (grade percentile rank and grade stanine). Score Interpretation Guide. However, the cut score on the Screening Form should always be more generous than the cut score on the complete CogAT or other placement test. • Anticipate and address common misunderstandings about test results. Anoka, MN 55303. CogAT is unique in offering this score, which helps provide educational guidance for all students, not just those with high ability. regardless of the score. cogat. cogat practice test grade 4: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing, Cogat Score Interpretation Guide User Reviews and Ratings Cogat Score Interpretation Guide and Bestseller Lists 5. The CogAT Test measures the level and pattern of cognitive development of a student compared to age mates and grade mates. ” Scores between 90 and 109 are considered “average” The FSIQ includes seven subscales: Similarities Vocabulary Block Design • = Targeted score, ‡ = Inconsistent response pattern The CogAT List of Student Scores This report provides CogAT scores of all students in a given class. The CogAT scores are measured as: • Verbal (verbal classification, sentence completion, and verbal analogies); • Quantitative (quantitative relations, number series, and equation building); A CogAT composite score provides the average of a student’s scores on the three CogAT batteries. For example, if a student’s score profile (CogAT) Form 7. For students who have reasoning scores in the average range, the following steps may be helpful: - Build on Aiden’s strengths by encouraging academic Guide College Entrance Examination Board. Emmanuel's ability profile is 6B (V-). CogAT Ability Profile Score Interpretation. College Level Examination Program,1969 Guide to Interpretation and Use of Test Scores Simon Bugatch,1967 CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 Workbook: Gifted and Talented Test Preparation with CogAT Practice Questions for Forms 7 and 8 Joshua Rueda,2023-06-29 Test Prep Books CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 Workbook Gifted and Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Cogat Score Interpretation Guide Cogat Score Interpretation Guide Book Review: Unveiling the Power of Words In a global driven by information and connectivity, the power of words has are more evident than ever. The FSIQ is considered the most representative indicator of general intellectual functioning. Along with SOL scores, CogAT, OLSAT, and NNAT scores can be used to guide or implement: • Identifying at-risk students • Identifying gifted students • Guiding differentiation of instruction to support student strengths and weaknesses • Clustering or flexible grouping for specific or supplemental instruction These types of normative comparisons are used when interpreting scores on CogAT. 2. Ability profiles with a V+, Q+, or N+ indicate a relative strength on the Verbal, Quantitative, or Nonverbal Battery, respectively. It's important to note that CogAT scores are reported on a scale from 1-99. In a downloadable PDF format ( Download in PDF: *), this collection inspires and motivates. What does the Universal Scale Score (USS) mean? The universal scale score (USS) is a number that describes a student’s location on a continuous growth scale of cognitive development. Nov 6, 2024 · The guide helps to prepare for the test and interpret scores after. However, the ability profile is a far more informative and useful index. 763-506-1000 Download our CogAT® Report Guides to make data interpretation seamless for administrators, proctors, and students. Student's ability profile is 8A. Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Dec 29, 2020 · Scoring based on age is more accurate as some children may be younger or older for their grade levels. Visit www. The highest SAS attainable on the CogAT is 160. College Level Examination Program,1969 Guide to Interpretation and Use of Test Scores Simon Bugatch,1967 CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 Workbook: Gifted and Talented Test Preparation with CogAT Practice Questions for Forms 7 and 8 Joshua Rueda,2023-06-29 Test Prep Books CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 The student’s composite score is not graphed so that the pattern formed by the battery score confidence bands is easy to identify. Dr. Score Type Short Description Use/Misuse Information Grade Equivalent (GE) A decimal number that describes a Composite scaled scores to make similar inferences. Reasoning abilities have substantial correlations with learning and problem solving, both in and out of school. Relative strength or weakness: V-/Q-/N- a relatively lower battery score in that area V+/Q+/N+ a relatively higher battery score in that area CogAT Ability Profile CogAT does not measure such factors as effort, attention, motivation, and work habits, which also contribute importantly to school achievement. CogAT. Types of Scores in a CogAT Score Report. Presents an Ability Profile for each student based on the level and pattern of age-normed scores. com for more detailed information on profile 8A. Guide College Entrance Examination Board. The “Overview” summarizes the purpose of the test. The CogAT is an assessment test aiming to measure children’s cognitive abilities during their school years. The CogAT is just one assessment, and it doesn't define their capabilities. Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Quick Reference Guide to Score Types 124 Iowa Assessments Score Interpretation Guide, Levels 9–14 . The key to adapting instruction is the . Whether or not a CogAT score is considered gifted is often determined by their Standard Age Score (SAS), percentile ranking, or even simply their raw score. Nov 21, 2023 · CoGAT scores are typically reported as percentile ranks. Such may be the essence of the book Cogat Score Interpretation Guide, The Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) composite score “summarizes ability across a diverse set of cognitive functions. Grade Scores Grade Stanine Grade Percentile Rank Local Scores Local Stanine Local Percentile . Provides a narrative interpretation of each student’s scores. Related Articles: 1. The ability profile is unique to . Hosted online, this catalog compiles a vast assortment of documents, making it a veritable goldmine of knowledge. Additional scores – This box includes the student’s raw score on each battery as well as national grade scores and local scores (if selected) for each of the three batteries and the composite. Raw score: This score is calculated by adding the total number of questions answered while this score looks very much like an IQ score, it is important to remember that the CogAT is NOT an IQ test. The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is designed to measure cognitive development in children across three domains: Verbal, Quantitative, and Non-Verbal reasoning. The ability profile captures two characteristics of the student’s scores: • level – the typical magnitude of scores on the three batteries Nov 29, 2023 · Learning to understand CogAT scores is important. “B” One score aBove or Below others “C” Substantial Contrast between two scores (a strength AND weakness) “E” Extreme difference ( > 24 SAS points) 3. Age Stanine: An age stanine score ranges from 1 to 9 with 9 being the highest. CogAT Test – Main Sections. For the 2011 score conversions, see the CogAT Form 7 Norms and Score Conversions Guide. Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®) Form-Level: 7-5/6 State: DM Age Scores Age Percentile Rank Age Stanine Abilities APR Graph 1 25 50 75 99 Verbal Quantitative Nonverbal Composite (VQN) Raw Scores Number of Items Number Correct Abilities Number Att. Scores are at roughly the sAme level “B” profiles: One score is aBove or Below the other two scores, which do not differ (>=10 SAS) “C” profiles: Two scores Contrast (>=10 SAS) “E” profiles: Extreme B or C profiles (>=24 SAS) CogAT. College Level Examination Program,1969 Guide to Interpretation and Use of Test Scores Simon Bugatch,1967 CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 Workbook: Gifted and Talented Test Preparation with CogAT Practice Questions for Forms 7 and 8 Joshua Rueda,2023-06-29 Test Prep Books CogAT Grade 4 Level 10 Workbook Gifted and Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful percentage of students in each comparison group whose scores fell at or below the score obtained by Emmanuel. Riverside InsightS accurately summarizes the abilities of students who have an A 42 CogAT Score Interpretation Guide profile (all CogAT scores are at approximately the same level) and least accurately summarizes the scores of students with an E profile (two CogAT scores show an extremely large difference). com for more detailed information on profile 6B (V-). CogAT does not measure such factors as effort, attention, motivation, and work habits, which also contribute importantly to school achievement. David Lohman In your son's case, his verbal score was 98, his quantitative score was 94, and his non-verbal score was 93. Every gifted program varies in the exact amount of points a student needs to qualify. Interpretive Raw Scores Grade Scores Local Scores Aiden’s scores on the three batteries do not differ significantly. ability profile, an indicator derived from the level and pattern of each student’s . See the front of the CogAT test booklet to verify the test level. Notes and Wonderings CogAT obtain an ability profile for each student. Learn how one district dramatically changed the proportionate makeup of the identified pool of their gifted and talented students while alleviating concerns about over •High scores = perform well with mathematical equations and concepts Verbal •Verbal Aptitude •Word Knowledge •Use of Language and Verbal Reasoning •High Score = expected to do well in reading and language activities CogAT 1. Age norms allow you to compare one student’s performance on the test with that of other students in the same age group. They have the capability to inspire, provoke, and ignite change. CogAT Scores: Understand Test Results. CogAT Prep for Grade 3: A guide to preparing for the CogAT at the Grade 3 level. Two types of norms are provided for all levels of CogAT—age norms and grade norms, briefly described below. In box one under the age scores category, there is the standard age score, the age stanine, and the age percentile rank for each ability category including verbal, quantitative, nonverbal, and a composite score averaging the scores from the other categories. - The Age Scores section compares his performance to students across the nation who are also 8. Click Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful 3 days ago · When a student takes a CogAT or NNAT abilities test, families receive a custom score report with FCPS cover letter within 1-2 months of the end of the testing window. Framework for differentiating instruction with CogAT In the Score Interpretation Guide, CogAT author Dr. Sample earned a Nonverbal Intelligence . Understanding CogAT Verbal Reasoning: A deep dive into the verbal reasoning section of Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful explore and download free Cogat Score Interpretation Guide PDF books and manuals is the internets largest free library. CogAT. Use the results as a starting point for future learning and development. Reports . Knowing the definition of these terms and how to interpret the CogAT score percentile chart will help you to gain an understanding of CogAT scores. David Lohman A primary use of CogAT is to guide efforts to adapt instruction according to students’ needs and abilities. The CogAT measures three different cognitive abilities. Cognitive Development not represented in Using the CogAT results involves implementing appropriate strategies and interventions based on the interpretation of the scores. pdt Norms and Score Conversions Guides Provides information relevant to teachers and staff who hand score the Cognitfve Abilities Test (CogAT) Form 7 and 8 and convert raw scores to 2011 or 2017 normative scores. Teachers use CogAT scores to help students learn more effectively. What is a stanine score? Guide College Entrance Examination Board. If your son scored a 95 or higher, that's considered to be a very high score. Verbal Battery: Assesses vocabulary Along with SOL scores, CogAT, OLSAT, and NNAT scores can be used to guide or implement: • Identifying at-risk students • Identifying gifted students • Guiding differentiation of instruction to support student strengths and weaknesses • Clustering or flexible grouping for specific or supplemental instruction Battelle Developmental Inventory, Third Edition (BDI-3) BDI-3 Complete and Screener Battelle Early Academic Survey BDI-3 Spanish. Educators may use the data to differentiate instruction, provide personalized learning opportunities, or develop individualized education plans for students who require additional support or challenge. CogAT Domains. All three of his scores are in the range typically observed in students of this age. A higher stanine indicates higher cognitive abilities as measured on the CogAT whereas a lower stanine indicates lower cognitive abilities as measured on Cogat Score Interpretation Guide: CogAT Practice Test (Grade 2) Bright Minds Publishing,2013-01-01 This book is a great resource for students who are planning to appear for the CogAT test for getting into Grade 2 i e current 1st grade students This book also includes useful Entrance Examination Board. Click on the "Interactive Profile Interpretation System" button. Understanding CogAt Scores Relative Strengths and Weaknesses Approximately half of the students who take CogAT show a relative strength or a relative weakness in one of the three test batteries. Prepare by reviewing “Common Test Score Misconceptions” below to Overview of CogAT for Parents - Riverside Insights expected to score well when administered the complete CogAT. Entrance Examination Board. This part of the guide focuses on what you need to know and do to adapt instruction using - The Age Scores section compares his performance to students across the nation who are also 8. For the CogAT Level box, darken the level administered. CogAT’s measurement of three different content domains ensures that educators receive a balanced view of the child. The Form 8 Raw Score to Universal Scale Score tables in this guide (Tables 3, 4, 10, and 16) may be used with the Standard Age Score and Grade Percentile Rank tables in the Form 7 norms guide to score Form 8 using the 2011 norms. scores help teachers adapt instructional goals, methods, and materials to the individual needs of students. Cogat Score Interpretation Guide If you ally need such a referred Cogat Score Interpretation Guide ebook that will pay for you worth, get the totally best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. CogAT Test Guide: Preparation Tips and Sample Questions Cogat Score Interpretation Guide Discover tales of courage and bravery in Explore Bravery with is empowering ebook, Cogat Score Interpretation Guide . Nov 4, 2024 · When you receive a CogAT score report for your child, the different scores can be challenging to interpret unless you know what they mean and what each score represents. Cogat Score Interpretation Guide User Reviews and Ratings Cogat Score Interpretation Guide and Bestseller Lists 5. In contrast, 100 represents an average score. With the testing completed and the scores returned, your ability to Score Interpretation. Number of Items P la n A d o p t Im p le m e n t A d m in iste r IN TE R P R E T Fin a lize FO R M 7 Cognitive Abilities Test™ FORM 7 Score Interpretation Guide Version 2 Score Interpretation… If you’re seeking for study materials like CogAT grade 5 practice test PDF, free CogAT practice test 2nd grade PDF, CogAT kindergarten practice test PDF, free CogAT practice test grade 4 PDF, and CogAT sample test PDF, you’ve come to the right place. CogAT Prep for Grade 5: A similar guide focused on the CogAT at the Grade 5 level. These general reasoning abilities, which start developing at birth and continue through early adulthood, are influenced by experiences gained both in and out of school. Free Practice Activities Research shows that young children sometimes do not fully understand what they are supposed to do on tests, especially Once complete, click search, and an interpretation of the score will be provided. Anoka-Hennepin Schools Staff intranet. Cognitive Abilities TestTM (CogAT@) Form 6 and Form 7 Interactive Ability Profile Interpretation System This site was built to enable teachers, counselors, and parents to interpret the Cognitive Abilities TestTM (CogAT) Ability Score Profiles tor their students. The cover letter and score report are sent home from the student's school. The CogAT showcases only verbal and quantitative reasoning skills. Encourage students and parents to ask questions about the tests, the scores, and any other concerns they have regarding the test results. ” This score compares your child’s performance to peers of the same age. Use it to: identify each student’s areas of relative strengths and weaknesses, review each student’s ability profile, and compare students’ performance within the class. The age standard score refers to a standardized are not all are identified with the CogAT. When we take the average of these three scores, we get a composite SAS score of 95. Guide efforts to adapt instruction to the abilities of students 2. and links the student’s test scores to Composite scaled scores to make similar inferences. 3. The “Profile of Test Scores” describes the student’s overall performance on CogAT and lists ways that the results can be used to help the student. A good score indicates that a student performed at or above the average level compared to their peers.