Home assistant blueprint input. Templating - Home Assistant.
Home assistant blueprint input Here I can If I add an extra non-default input to a blueprint, then all the automations disappear from the UI, rather than allowing me to edit each one to add the extra input. Blueprint location in Home Assistant. As each person enters/leaves a zone I This Blueprint accepts 5 actions & when done in the right order, flips an input_boolean. electric blankets, etc. My problem is to capture these zones with an input selector, such as: Sensor 1, Zone 1, Valve 1 Sensor j, zone k, valve l Sensor x, zone y, valve z How can I Hi everybody, I’m working on a Blueprint since yesterday and it is driving me nuts. Hi everybody, I am Thank you in advance for your input . Triplus (Joren C) February I would like to write up a template blueprint that targets lamps, but in the blueprint there is no way of knowing if the lamp itself is hooked up though the light domain or the switch domain (personally I have a mixture). Yes, it will watch multiple people and multiple zones at the same time! 📑 Changelog 2024-06-08: Blueprint Input Sections for enhanced Descriptions. With this Blueprint you can import/sync calendar events from one calendar to another. Is it possible to have dynamic inputs like input: sw_primary: name: Switch Primary selector: entity: domain: switch sw_secondary: name: Switch Secondary selector: To make the motion sensor entity configurable, we’re replacing the entity ID with a custom YAML tag !input. I see that I can set in automation multitples entity_id, but, I don’t know how use the variable in blueprint. the variable thing: Code: domain: automation input: heating: name: Climate Device description: The climate device to use. html5_laptop data: In a blueprint, I define a time input input: door_or_window_open_recognition_time: name: Door or window open recognition time description: The time for which a door or window can be open before the heating switches off selector: time: default: "00:03:00" then try to use it as a “for:” entry is a trigger trigger: - Hi, I have an optional blueprint input variable illuminance_sensor and I just want to listen for state changes and use this as a trigger: trigger: - platform: state entity_id: !input "illuminance_sensor" This wo Hello, Hope one of you awesome people can help with this. So In Blueprints you have the !input: items that are passed into the blueprint from the calling automation. I’m trying to avoid manually typing the tag_id, rather providing a tag selector in the UI. to_state. I hope Hello, I have a problem with a blueprint for a simple automation that turns off a [IKEA Tradfri] light after some seconds. Working on a blueprint for “topping off” solar batteries before the utility rate changes to peak. In your example, entity_id is a key and its value (which can be a block of code) will be provided by the placeholder !input double_click_timer. The solution emerged through discussions with ChatGPT and was inspired by user nwithan8 and others in this thread. yaml input: motion_sensor: binary_sensor. not default value) are ‘away’. I am trying to check if a light is on or off in a blueprint using !input This code dont word, think the problem is: entity_id: !input “light” - choose: - conditions: - condition: state entity_id: !input Hi together, I specified an optional multiple input like this: window_entities: name: "Sensor" description: "Sensor which triggers the notification. It seems as though it doesn’t read the value of the helper, only the entity id of it, but my limited knowledge and quite thorough googling hasn’t helped me crack the issue yet. blueprint: name: sun protecion description: close cover when sun is shining and open when stops domain: automation input: cover_entity: name: cover selector: entity: domain: cover sun_position_start: name: sun FAQ - How do I create a time helper? To create a Timer Helper, follow these steps: Navigate to Settings > Device & Services > Helpers tab at the top. This enables far more intelligent and context-aware notifications. , a contact sensor) or an input boolean helper turns on, turns off, or does either. if it is already on then I want to use a transition if the color temp or brightness is not the same However if I use !input light then the blueprint is Hi guys, I’m having some troubles to create a blueprint to send external temperature measurement to my zigbee radiator valves. The time period can be set based on a fixed time or IOS Notification Blueprint ⚠ Deprecated. With the correct service call and indentation. That has the advantage that I can specify the model and manufacturer for selecting the device. Documentation for the Home Assistant Script Syntax. If I use the light hook blueprint with the IKEA E2001/2002 controller bluprint, and then set up additional functionality, such as a double click action, I lose the ability to dim my lights. blueprint: name: Import I’ve been working a lot with blueprints, but I can’t seem to be able to get past this. kenlasko (Ken Lasko) December 22, 2020, 12:57am 12. The introduction of Blueprints is a huge leap forward but limited at the same time. I have made this blueprint for a friend, so he can easily add scripts that sends remote commands to search for tv shows. Would be nice if we can define a list of entity definitions like: selector: - entity: domain: input_boolean - entity: domain: binary_sensor or selector: entity: domain: - input_boolean - binary_sensor Is Solutions often consist of multiple parts to solve a problem. The main issue is device selection, atm I allow pretty much any “device” based on the script to be used, IE if I make an ikea I have 2 template sensors: – both have same structure; – one of them is based on a blueprint and they behave differently. trigger. The main goal of this automation is sun protection when it’s shining through a window. I want to see if a light is on in action before I turn on the light. So I am writing one from scratch. As a result, I now have some interesting Blueprints in my instance that I would like to share. As input, it asks for the device to monitor and toggle . We start with the line. One calendar must have write access. This beats me. Then once the automation logic is working, convert it to a blueprint if you still need to. Automatically Add a Blueprint to Home Assistant. (Documentation change 2-7-2024 to add License blueprint: domain: automation input: power_outlet: name: Power outlet selector: entity: filter: - domain: sensor device_class: power trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: !input power_outlet above: 2 id: tool-starts-being-used alias: Tool starts being used Templating - Home Assistant. Basically I need the templated trigger in blueprints only - the trigger depends input variables passed into the However, when I rebooted home assistant it seems to have reverted the names - I can access the panel as sonofpanel1 in ESPhome integration - but in the ESPhome addon the Sobof panel is off-line - vert strange. ; Click Create. upload_backup_clip data_template: camera: {{camera}} to a sequence I have a blueprint that has a field for a custom command !input 'custom_action'. I spent few days trying to figure this out, read other blueprints but I cannot understand what’s the issue. light: name: Light(s) description: The light(s) to control selector: target: entity: domain: light in the variables section of “actions:” I have the I’m trying to create a blueprint that has a template as input, and is also triggered when this template is changed. Blueprint with YAML variable blueprint: name: ijMotionFlexiGroups description: 04 Turn a Boolean Helper on if a certain threshold of sensors is crossed domain: automation author: Inge Jones input: trigger_feeds: name: Sensor Triggers description: This sensor will be I would like to create a blueprint that makes it possible to irrigate multiple zones using ESPHome. The automation allows you to configure color, brightness, and time periods for each day of the week. Home Assistant Community Blueprint add condition? Configuration. variables: device_id: !input zha_device light_id: !input zha_entity_light Depending on how/where in the automation you need access to that data, you may need to assign them as trigger_variables. I’m imagining something like: input: favorite_color: name: Favorite Color selector: select: options: - red - blue - green default: red Did I just miss this in the documentation? I have tried to use variables in a blueprint to import the inputs of the blueprint into a template. front_door_locked to: "off" for: hours: 0 minutes: 10 seconds: 0 - platform: state I’m working on a blueprint where I need to execute an input action as part of a sequence with actions in the blueprint. However I was wondering if anyone else (besides me) sees the benefit of having a single blueprint create multiple automations. prankousky (prankousky) February 18, 2021, 11:48am 1. If this was possible, you could collapse a nested input with something like: collapse: "{{ input. flur_motion_motion camera: camera. ; Provide a Name and Icon of your choice. This cannot be achieved with booleans as they are not necessarily exclusive, whereas radio/dropdown are. Read here: Home Assistant That means something like that blueprint: name: Bluetest description: Testing of a blueprint domain: automation input: timeOpen: I want to change a variable after a trigger has fired. skycryer (Skycryer) December 14, 2020, 1:03pm 1. Apparently it’s not possible to do this, so i’ve created this template condition that allows for a user to add the weekdays in short form to a text field and checks if this input matches the current day. the for part of a condition); The energy_entity is now optional; The elapsed_time_energy_data entity is no longer needed; the automation MOTION ACTIVATE LIGHT EXTENDED This is blueprint for Home Assistant intended to help to create automations to turn on/off lights as a reaction of a movement sensor. I have an input_boolean for “quiet mode” which I use to turn off announcements when it is on (condition is state, I would like todo an IF formula based on my select options (jc_control:) Cant figure it out. domain: automation input: lights: name: Lights description: Select the lights to blink. However, I cannot get this automation to run. one script for letter A, one script You cannot put an !input parameter inside a template in a blueprint definition. There are 2 input_number helpers:. For completeness, I’ve also added start and stop times as I have a blueprint !input, let’s call it ‘entity_list:’, that accepts a list of none or more binary_sensor entity ids that have states ‘off’, ‘on’, ‘unknown’ or ‘unavailable’. Scripts. components. I would like to pass a value to “for” field using a helper (input_number? input_datetime?). I keep getting error: expected int for dictionary value @ data[‘below’]. Home Assistant Community Use target for trigger in blueprint? blueprint: name: Test blueprint description: Test multiple trigger selection domain: automation input: Now I want to use the device option as input in a blueprint. The code inside of the template brackets is all rendered by a jinja2 template engine, not Home Assistant. Screenshot_20240927-095308_Home Assistant 1080×2640 181 KB. Home Assistant Community Blueprints Exchange. Since, for some time now, I have been creating Blueprints for my repetitive automations. No E. automation, blueprint, cover. (Documentation change 2-7-2024 I am writing my first blueprint by converting a working automation. For example you can import calendar events from your google calendar to another calendar. I am trying to check if a light is on or off in a blueprint using !input This code dont word, think the problem is: entity_id: !input “light” - choose: - conditions: - con Hi. This automation helps you save energy by automatically managing your heating system while maintaining comfort in your home. The question addresses both the input section of the blueprint as well as the action section. from the Helpers configuration page), then provide it to the blueprint while configuring the Also if this solves your problem please consider clicking solution below. ALSO you can watch the accompanying YouTube Video about it here for detailed info! 📑 Changelog 2024-06-08: Blueprint Input Sections for enhanced Descriptions. This is Blueprint will monitor a person or persons, and when they ‘enter’ or ‘leave’ the zone or zones you pick, it will trigger an action for both enter and leave phases. It´s used only for the date. To help someone that has an input boolean from any non-light specific device directly toggle a light or light group blueprint: name: Control light with boolean description: Turn on/off a light or light group based on the state of an input boolean. The idea is to choose a heater and after to chose the instruction to start to heat (comfort / on / ). I’d like to consider an input to be able to set the update frequency, and to use this parameter to set the time patern triger on a minute base. I wasn’t happy with this as it’s a lot of automations to manage and a complete pain to deal with should I wish to expand the number of zones or people. Hi fellow HA enthousiasts, I really like the newly added ‘Blueprint’ feature. As a minimal example: blueprint: name: "Test: action after delay" domain: automation input: action1: name: Action after delay selector: action: action: - delay: { seconds: 5 } - !input action1 This doesn’t work, of course, because !input action1 is an array, The blueprint is missing an action section, this is where am getting it wrong. e. Device: IKEA TRÅDFRI shortcut button Available entities: battery, identify, LQI and RSSI Working automation when the existing device_id is set in the default value: blueprint: input: Input text The Input text integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. g. For every scene you can set a start time. 1468: 67387: January 1, 2025 I found a work around by storing the tts text in a input_text: blueprint: name: Søk opp serie i Plex description: Søk opp serie i Plex domain: script author: Vintage89 input: tts: name: Tittel for TTS selector: text: mode: single sequence: - service: input_text. There is also an option to have the I created this blueprint to toggle a device after a period of time. The Blueprint is for an automation which turns on a smoke alarm (an input_boolean helper) when a smoke detector detacts smoke and if nobody is present it also turns off the power in that certain area. The automation itself would obviously need to run its own logic on the input, but this would enable some powerful options for blueprints. 8 (Documentation change 2-7-2024 to add License notice. Name. This blueprint has no default values compared to his. We will do this by taking an existing automation and converting it to a blueprint. It automatically calculates the time to charge to 100% based on the current solar as well as the utility charge rate while maximizing charging from solar. The test blueprint is only usable with the one button with that In order to use a blueprint you first need to import it into Home Assistant. Vintage89 April 18, 2024, 9:04am 1. petro (Petro) December 19, 2021, 9:58pm 1. when I hardcode the entity into the blueprint the values come through fine. Selectors can be used to specify what values are accepted for a blueprint input. Got None. 6. ). Creating the inputs input: Then we we are defining the light entity. Changes to the value stored in the text box generate state events. Most of the job works except a minor time parameter feature. You can define four scenes (Morning, Day, Evening, Night). Looked everywhere and cant find anything. the select should list all weather and all temperature entities and the user can select one item from the list? Background: For the blueprint Close/open curtain (cover, blinds) based on sun and weather I’d like to make the “temperature” You cannot use the yaml !input method directly in templates, you must assign the value of the input to a variable as in you did in. This works, however not every room of my has a wall mounted Conversation agent outputs input text based on the upcoming calendar agenda, location, and weather. Have you added or updated a Blueprint recently? What version of Home Assistant are you running? I suspect you have installed a blueprint with the new sections feature added but you are running an HA version older than 2024. This will cause the thermostat set temperature to be reduced while the window remains open. blueprint: name: Søk opp serie vanlig 5 bokstaver description: Søk opp serie vanlig 5 bokstaver doma Home Assistant Community Input as optional. Therefore, my input portion is: blueprint: input: tag: name: "Target tag" selector: entity: This is a solution for passing and executing actions dynamically in Home Assistant blueprints and scripts. These are very limited. 1) domain: automation input: satellite: name: Satellite description: The View Assist device entity to control (example sensor. To go from an automation to the blueprint I did this: We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. I’m trying to execute a choose command in a blueprint with condition: # reset helpers when switch turns off - choose: - conditions: - condition: > {{target_switch. For example, it can turn a switch off ‘x’ minutes after it was turned on, or turn a switch on ‘x’ minutes after it was turned off. Looking for suggestions to improve. Home Assistant Community Yaml from input. Based on @allenporter’s Conversation Agent Agenda Notification Blueprint. Changes only to A simple blueprint for expediting the process of doing different things based on the edge of a toggle switch. But I haven’t got this to work by using “platform: state” & putting the “!input” in “entity_id:” for the “trigger:” So, looking for more template help I’m dabbling in Blueprints again, and can’t find the documentation for this problem. Can someone explain me how the boolean selector should work? The boolean is true or false and you can use this in your blueprint whereever usefull. But some fields in these Blueprints are rather complex to understand and Hi all, after nearly 2 weeks of reading, fixing, reading and fixing again, I want to try my luck here After a lot (I really mean A LOT) of troubleshooting, I finally wanted to create my own heating automation for my Aqara E1 TRVs. selector: target: entity: - domain: - light color: Selectors can be used to specify what values are accepted for a blueprint input. I would like to append the yaml in my field: service: shell_command. Beyond that, it would enable Invalid blueprint: expected str for dictionary value @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘first_entity’][‘selector’][‘domain’]. In my example, I want to calculate the average value of the temperatures of several weather services and I am going to explain in this Home Assistant tutorial how you can create your own blueprints and how you can use them after you’ve created them. My eyes have googled about 50 sites including a lot of other Blueprints, but I haven’t found it. Improvements include: You can set a delay before triggering start, running, or stop events (e. Scenario, I have a script Hi. My input in blueprint: media_players: name: Media Players Hello Everybody, I try to create my first blueprint for control my radiators. Examples: Time Home Assistant Community Helping with trigger variables & inputs. It works fine, but I’d like to add a condition to it. I’ve tried several different things I’ve found searching and can not get anything to work. Will continuously trigger the Allow blueprints for template entities, which can be shared using the same mechanism as blueprints for automations and scripts. Though I'm sure this is much more complex than it might seem. selector: entity: On my Android companion app, the input text for blueprints is truncated. This example can be configured but does not write any value to the helper. I don’t use blueprints often, but you likely need to add Or conditions to cover that case: When you gather data in a blueprint using !inputs, you will need to use that data in the lower parts of the blueprint. Something I do quite often is create an input_boolean helper and use the on and off states to trigger different scenes. Also an illuminance sensor has to be set for checking if the scene should be activated. In an automation, if you add a “call service” action and select script. Hello everyone, I’m sharing my blueprint on Aqara Opple 4 boutons (WXCJKG12LM) for zigbee2mqtt. I want to write a template that returns ‘true’ if ANY ONE of the list matches a given condition (‘off’ or ‘on’), ‘false’ otherwise, including the case where the list is empty. selector: entity: domain: climate temp_sensor: name: Temperature Sensor description: Temperature Sensor to check. Optionally set a minimum duration the sensor For more information, see the blueprint documentation . It runs every minute and adjusts the lights accordingly. Each zone has a sensor that dictates how long the zone should be watered, a zone ID and a valve ID. I expected the condition to be false: condition: state entity_id: I want to allow for both a input_boolean and binary_sensor in my blueprint. I am stuck at the first, basic step where I just wanted a functional blueprint with one input to test it in the UI. allows the user to define values that can be controlled via the frontend and can be used within conditions of automation. If you are using the value in a template, however, this does not work. I tried the folowing with no Using an input_number, or input_boolean, etc as a selector in a blueprint doesn’t appear to offer this functionality. We name the light entity input: light_target. 1 Like. you can share your blueprint on the Home Assistant Blueprint Exchange forum. Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021. Topic Replies Views Activity; About Blueprints. YAML code from the blueprint: alias: Send a camera snapshot when motion is detected description: “” use_blueprint: path: vorion/send-camera-snapshot-notification-on-motion. 1: 80975: December 10, 2020 ☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint. set_value data: value: !input tts target: entity_id: input_text. Github 🎯 Key Features Window-Aware Heating: Automatically turns off heating It would be fantastic if we could have UI support for selecting multiple entities for use in triggers and conditions in blueprint automations. Now, with multimodal AI interpreting your camera feed, the possibilities for notification automation are limitless. Currently (as I understand it), we can only select one entity per input using the 🧐 About this blueprint Type of blueprint: AUTOMATION What does it do? This is a super simple blueprint that runs a script or activates a scene on pressing an input_button. This is my first attempt at creating a Hi all As per this topic, number input selectors from the blueprint are being written between quotes, making them a string. The easiest way to do this is to use GitHub Gist. (10) lights. I have simple YAML code (it`s part of larger blueprint): blueprint: name: Trigger for any entity description: Allows the user to select any entity, which will then be used as a trigger. domain: automation input: task_name: name: Task name description: > The name of the task to track. Burningstone February I want create a blueprint for alarm when I could select multiple motion sensor as trigger. Think a lock from a common keypad, or a puzzle to solve in a safe house. The selector also defines how the input is shown in the user interface. Hi, I’m trying to make a sunrise automation and the problem (I think) is the error in the log: homeassistant. Great for things like heating devices, etc. Home Assistant, Blueprints, Automations, blue print, smart home, smarthome. I want to integrate a light sensor in order to turn on the light only if it’s dark enough. Worse, the us Existing helper components like input_number offer a means to define an initial value. You can then use this wherever you want. Leave the duration set to 00:00:00 and tick the Restore box. domain: automation input: any_entity: name: Any entity description: Select any entity that will be used as a trigger. I search in many ways and didn’t find how to do it. But the configurator doesn’t recognize the command and comes with a unknown tag error I cant set a variable as !input. Home Assistant then converts the blueprint automation into a regular automation, allowing you to make any tweak without having to fully re-invent the wheel. You either create a new one by adding a new yaml file or you download and edit an existing one. tts_seroe Ok so my problem: I have 3 people I want to track as they enter/leave specific (currently 38) zones I have setup on the map. input_number: testing_number: &ref_input_number min: -1000 max: 1000 step: 1 mode: slider testing_number_2: *ref_input_number You must define your input as a YAML variable in order for it to be available for templating. Gist is a code snippet platform that allows you to Using blueprints in Home Assistant is pretty easy. trigger_device: Home Assistant Community Blueprint number input selector is used as string. Most of it is done and it Some of the entities I need to work with are binary_sensor entities with states “on/off”, but some are cover entities with states “open/closed”. floor_cam_mainstream PRE-REQUISITES: - Create an input_datetime helper to track the last time the task was completed. If I would like to be able to send in “live” data to script blueprints the same way you can with sending it into regular scripts. If you are able to find a mistake or fix something on your own, please open a pull request! This blueprint aims to be a full implementation of all options available for notifications on IOS. Since I have multiple tags, I’d like the tag to also be part of the blueprint input. Script or scene: Choose a script or scene Hi, I am trying to create a blueprint for an automation to turn on the light when I open the door. Select the blueprint from the list. . thanks for the help blueprint: name: ScriptLightON live description: Turn on lights Living domain: script author: JC Dreyfus #icon: mdi:lightbulb input: light_target: name: Light #!input light_target selector: entity: domain: - light jc_control: name: Use The Light Control Options I made an updated/more advanced version of this blueprint at advanced_appliance_power_monitor. Today on Discord I figured it out so posting here incase anyone come across this looking for the same. input: controller: name: Z2M Controller Name description: The name of the device, remember device name must have no space or - _ default: '' base_topic: name: Z2M Base mqtt topic description: The base topic z2m default: zigbee2mqtt was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? _No response_ ### Therefore, before setting up the automation, manually create a brand new input_text entity in your Home Assistant instance (e. One thing at a time. The defaults are specific to me and you should change them to match your situation. My actual use case is as follows: I am using a text input for a comma separated list of entities and want a state change of any to trigger the automation. The text should wrap instead, h On my Android companion app, the input text for blueprints is truncated. This YAML tag has to be combined with the name of the input: triggers:-trigger: state entity_id:!input motion_sensor. I wanted to share a simple yet versatile blueprint I created for quickly setting this up and adding multiple actions based on the state of this Hi all, is it possible to use a preset list of values as an input selector in blueprints? I’d like a little bit more structure than a free form text field. errors. I’m trying to create a blueprint that will respond to a window open event by calling a service to notify the associated heating zone. See the screenshot. Home Assistant. ; Your done So I am a bit of a newbie with home assistant, & in turn A virgin with templates, variable & Blueprints. mrjack711 December 15, automation input: trv_entity: name: Radiator Device description: Radiator TRV Device selector: This blueprint allows you to blink selected lights in a specific color and then restore them to their original state, with added support for custom transition times. domain: automation input: boolean_entity: name: Boolean Entity description: The input boolean entity to control the light. See examples, tips and solutions from other users and experts. MissingInput: Missing input Hi, I’m creating my first blueprint and I have it as such blueprint: name: Exhaust Fan description: Turn on/off exhust fan automatically domain: automation input: humidity_entity: name: Humidity Sensor Entity selector: device: entity: domain: - sensor device_class: humidity exhaust_fan_switch_entity: name: Exhaust Fan Switch selector: device: entity: domain: Hello, First post here 🙂 I’m looking to use a previous input in a selector for a blueprint. where you want to automatically turn them off (e. ; Click the Create helper button. selector: text: type: text multiline: false multiple: false task_interval: name: Task interval variables: person_entity_1: !input person_entity_1 person_entity_2: !input person_entity_2 person_entity_3: !input person_entity_3 I then wish to trigger when all the populated entities (i. That’s a pity: the edit function does actually work, if I grab the URL before changing the blueprint; it’s just that the automation isn’t listed on the UI page to offer me the edtiting URL. some_input_id == 'some value' }}" Beyond that, it would enable highly dynamic blueprint interfaces to be created. There are instances where I wanted to make a complicated script for a purpose and allow me to share it with others that would accept live variables. blueprint. To create a blueprint, we first need to have a Once your blueprint file is ready, you need to import it into Home Assistant. In my Blueprint I have variables: lock_entity: !input lock which works great when I use it like {{state_attr(lock_entity,'friendly_name')}} but not when I try Learn how to create blueprints with optional inputs for different scenarios, such as climate or light control. All the native Home Assistant places accept the !input my_data format for this. 1 - The non-working part is the “duration_time: entity: domain: input_number” selector (if specified as “selector: number:”, the “for” condition works). All input_select entities representing rooms have a label Auto Mode - Room attached to them. input: boolean_offset: name: Turn on offset for non working days Hi, I want an input that takes multiple schedules. Hello, i am trying to write a blueprint with the following trigger: trigger: - platform: state entity_id: !input control attribute: target_temp_low this describes the change of a wall mounted thermostat, which is a climate entity with the attribute: target_temp_low in which the temperature setpoint is stored. Both entities Room and Device are represented as input_select. yaml · GitHub. However, I Hello, It would be very nice if we could add support for Markdown syntax in the Blueprints inputs description. Is there any way to provide a You can tweak an imported blueprint by “taking control” of this blueprint. When I look into the documentation it seems I can only limit on a single domain / deviceClass. I’m then using a template to capture the device id from the thermostat in I have an blueprint to control brightness and color temp for a room and have some issues trying to get the on/off status from one of the lights in the !input. outdoor_light. Calling the script once I recently ran into an issue where I was trying to use templating to set a weekday condition for a blueprint. Blueprints. And it’s easier than ever! Installing Is it possible to define an input for a blueprint, where the user can select either a weather service or a temperature entity? I. This is an evolution of standard motion Hello, I can’t find out why my blueprint doesn’t work. The blueprint just asks for the window sensor and the target climate device. This will be used to Hello all, I would like to share my Blueprint with you. I’m seeing I know that I’m trying to subtract and string and a number (i think) but with all my research I can not figure out how to. Here’s two entities from an existing automation: alias: Door in insecure state for too long trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - input_boolean. Cancel Submit feedback Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly. This option is accessible to the general Home Assistant community but Another Light Blueprint Automation. I don’t think that much is missing here but some users report that it is not working anymore. Allows adding additional actions after each condition. mode: restart max_exceeded: silent trigger: - platform: state entity_id: !input motion_entity from: "off" to: "on" action: - service: light. Here is the input: code vent_open_fan: name: Vent Open During Fan Circulation I have a blueprint which propagates what I call an Auto Mode state from Rooms to all its Devices. That turned out to be a fool’s errand. Related posts: What’s new in Home Assistant December 2024. Blow is the blueprint as I have it now. So, how does this work? When you In this tutorial, we’re going to create an automation blueprint that controls a light based on a motion sensor. Script Syntax. The simplest way to add a new blueprint to your smart home system is For me, this basically comes down to allowing the input: section to support templates as values. 2. Include my email address so I can be contacted. Thanks, @petro! We’re getting closer, but I’m still getting errors in the action: unsupported type for timedelta minutes component: dict "Unable to compute proper Hi everybody, I am using the Motion-activated Light blueprint from the community blueprints. The tricky part is that I want to make the light sensor optional. The current workaround for this Hi there, Very new to YAML and home assistant in general, so please bear with me. I thought this value template might achieve that but it never triggers. So to do things like This is a SCRIPT Blueprint that uses my Broadlink RM3 to turn my TV on and get it into the correct mode, IE: antenna, FireTV, Chromecast, etc. turn_on target: !input light_target - wait_for_trigger: platform: state entity_id: !input I am trying to create a Blueprint with an optional !input motion trigger. Some selectors can, for example, show a toggle button to turn something on or off, while another select can filter a list of devices to show only devices that have motion-sensing capabilities. Automations can be dependent on Helpers, Scripts and other Automations. Passing an action as a runtime I’m trying to make blueprints for myself and some friends. templates. From what I’ve read, you can’t use an !input as a condition in a template without first converting it into a variable. Prerequisites Have at least two calendar configured in Home Assistant. How about trying this: Hi all, Any help appreciated on this one please 🙂 I’m hopping it is possible 🙏 TLDR: In my blueprint I want to refer to one of the inputs in a trigger template. The problem is, that I can’t use it in the blueprint, because I don’t know how to make the discovery id flexible. You simply need to convert the input to a variable to use it in templates (which it turns out is documented Blueprint schema - Home Assistant albeit in a slightly odd place). Here’s the Blueprint in it’s entirety: blueprint: name: HVAC Daily Thanks to WhatWeAreFixing. This is my first attempt at creating a blueprint for automations. automation. Thus I’m currently making 2 versions of the scripts because they act slightly differently based on the integration. b Increment or decrement a counter helper whenever a binary sensor (e. This also happens on the browser on my phone, and on my PC if I reduce the width of the window. The simplest, but futile, attempt was just to have input Daily Automatic Light Color Adjustment Description This Home Assistant blueprint adjusts the color and brightness of selected lights based on the day of the week. Problem The task was to execute actions defined during the configuration of a motion-activated blueprint. What is wrong with it? input: event_description: name: Event description description: The global blueprint: name: View Assist - Control display template REWORK description: This is used as a base for setting up display control on a View Assist Satellite (View Assist control v 1. Any clue ? Here’s a code exemple : blueprint: name: test domain: automation input: entity_heater: name: Pilot wire eletric heater Abridged version of my code: blueprint: name: magic with input description: magic with input domain: automation input: mod_value: name: Mod Value description: This modifies another value d Abridged version of my code: blueprint: name: magic with input description: magic with input domain: automation input: mod_value: name: Mod Value description: This For each of these inputs, we are going to add an entry to the blueprint. - Create an NFC tag that will be used to mark the task as completed. Using an input_number, or input_boolean, etc as a selector in a blueprint doesn’t appear to offer this functionality. viewassist_living_room) selector: entity: filter: - domain: - The issue here is that an !input is meant to be a placeholder for a value and that value is assigned to a key. " default: [] selector: entity: domain: binary_sensor multiple: true When using the input in a condition like this and leave the input empty, the condition is true. substitutions: device_name: “sonofpanel2” Improved Blueprint Input Clarity: Simplified the naming of Blueprint inputs for better clarity and ease of use. I read elsewhere that the trick is to assign the input to a local variable and then use the local variable in the template. Some selectors can, for example, show a toggle button to turn something on or off, I want to understand how to use multiple inputs in Blueprints. Maybe it’s something ovious but I just don’t get it. I’m on mobile right now so I will have to add my specific automation use-case later, but to clarify my suggestion a bit: I have 4 automations for each area where I Here is a list of each of my blueprints, a quick description, an import link for import to Home Assistant, and jump links to the Blueprints Exchange post and the files in my GIT Repo 🌀 Scripts 🧯Broadlink on Script Blueprint 🧠⁺ Smarter Thermostat A sophisticated Home Assistant blueprint that intelligently controls your thermostat based on window/door sensors and weather conditions. 12 – Scene Editor, This blueprint will activate a scene if motion is detected. 🚀 Features: Blink Your Lights: Select specific lights to blink in a chosen color. This is my first attempt at creating a Blueprint & so I started with A script that I have tried to convert to a Bl So I am a bit of a newbie with home assistant, & in turn A virgin with templates, variable & Blueprints. Does not seem to have any errors, but when I go to create the automation, I get the following error: Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ Hello, I’m new to blueprints and I’m writing one that should execute some actions when a tag is scanned in my house. selector: entity: {} trigger: platform: state entity_id: !input 'any_entity' to: 'on' I I am working on my first blueprint. What I’ve done to achieve that is this: blueprint: name: Room Heating description: Turn room heating on/off domain: automation input: schedule: name: Schedule selector: entity: filter: - domain: schedule multiple: true But when I do this I get no selector in the UI at all, just an empty space where the dropdown should be. Home assistant doesn’t like blank !input variables, so for fewer than (10) lights, a dummy sensor can be used as placeholders for those entities; Home Assistant Community Blueprints and boolean switch. This Blueprint has 3 input Prerequisites of: An input_select { Dropdown } with the desired below ‘Profile/s’ (words) added is required { recommend one for each instance of I use this in the input part of the blueprint. These blueprints could then be instantiated by populating input fields, each instance creating an entity. blueprint: name: Team Score Management description: > Manages team score updates, detects scoring events, and updates scores for active games dynamically. I managed to create a blueprint that creates an automation. 2 - I tried input_datetime. ; Select Timer. 📑 Changelog 2023-08-07: Updates for Home Assistant 2023. To edit an imported blueprint, follow these steps: Go to Settings > Automations & Scenes > Blueprints. My automation does require them to be a number, otherwise it doesn’t work. yaml This is A Blueprint Automation for A Script version available @ Another Light Blueprint Script (Please post any profile suggestions you may have there). blueprint: name: Tado open window detection description: turns the Tado off when open window is detected domain: automation input: open_window_sensor: name: Open Window Sensor selector: entity: domain: sensor target_climate: name: Climate Device selector: entity: domain: climate trigger: platform: state Say hello to intelligent security event notifications! Previously, camera notifications were automated based on object detection and detection zones. yaml - Blueprint which reacts to Home Assistant sun events and triggers given scenes for outdoor light on and off. Please remove Automatically turn on and off an Hello, I am trying to build more functionalitites in a blueprint, but I am struggling with two approaches. I use this on my main dashboard Setup Create an input_text entity with a character limit of at least 200 characters. Inspired from @razvanmdobre blueprint for the 6 boutton version. domain: automation input: team_sensor: name: I want to write a section of code in YAML (not jinja, because I need to call services) that repeats for each of the items in a blueprint input The input is input: thermostat_controls: name: DEVICE ENTITY - Thermostat control (mandatory) description: One or more thermostat entities that are to be controlled by this automation selector: entity: filter: domain: climate I have a blueprint that has a field for a custom command !input 'custom_action'. It may even be necessary to create custom entities such as Sensors and Devices based on !inputs to utilise the platforms true capabilities. One in with climate and other with light (qubino) I put in input this : input: climate_target: name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx description: default: 120 selector: number: min: 0 max: 3600 unit_of_measurement: seconds # If motion is detected within the delay, # we restart the script. Blueprints can be imported into Home Assistant either automatically or manually. I used another BP as base but the editor doesn’t like " default: !input ‘actions’ "blueprint: name: Detect water and notify description: detect Looking for some assistance for my first attempt at a blueprint I am trying to define a variable using a previously defined variable to make up a name of an !input (the previous variable calculates the time period and this is appended to the the next variable to work out what temperature is going to be used) Here is the part of the code I am failing on: variables: It’s failing with the run button because it requires parameters to be passed in, which you are doing when calling it via Developer Tools. I don’t have time to work on this right now. I have learned from the blueprint tutorial how to filter input_select entities as the only available options. 0. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic / Gist URL: For the conditions you could also add a condition action before your notification. The problem with !input double_click_action is that it is a placeholder without a key. My troubleshooting so far makes me In my case, I want to trigger a blueprint only when nobody is at home. state == "off"}} target_switch is defined as follows: input: motion_sensor: name: Motion Sensor description: Is there no way to have a simple text input to enter a string as a blueprint selector ? It seems like a simple enough thing to do, and there are boolean and number selectors, so why not have a string one too ? Not sure what you are trying to do, but if you want to write a blueprint, I suggest you get your idea working as an automation first. The live variables fail syntax and I’m not able to add them, even in YAML. I'm sure there's still more work to Would be great to have a fixed/configurable selector for Blueprints in either a radio or dropdown style. Blueprint fields Input button: Select here the input_button entity that will trigger the script/scene. Configuration. The issue is that I prefer Zigbee2mqtt over ZHA while they prefer ZHA. Instructions on how to setup scripts within Home Assistant. the_name_of_your_script_here, it should prompt you to configure the script parameters and call the script as part of the automation. This let to there being 2x38x3 - 228 - automations. If one of the suggestions listed solves your problem, please consider Hi I am trying to make my first blueprint and eventhough I have looked and stolen from other blueprints I have run into a problem that I cant seem to find a answer for. Ildar_Gabdullin: You cannot use a variable in template since variables are initialized after trigger. ⚙ Configuration Requirements Nothing special. Interactive demos of each of these Automation works except case when the entity is not defined in the blueprint. Any help? Automatic Home Occupancy Home Assistant Blueprint Code based on @gdeboos great start as he has indicated he is having health issues and cannot maintain. The time uses reminder_time This is the whole blueprint yaml: blueprint: name: Automatic Radiator HVAC Mode description: 'Set the heating mode Home Assistant Community Help with inputs and variables within blueprint Trigger value template. The automation is specifically triggered when the state changes from “off” to “on”, for example, and state changes from “unavailable” and “unknown” are ignored. I tried changing some of the blueprints I saw and liked. Would someone please take a look at this blueprint and see what you believe may be wrong? blueprint: name: Set Room Occupancy Echo Group description: Set a Room's For me, this basically comes down to allowing the input: section to support templates as values. Then your template would be as follows: I would like to have the following button as optional, but I can’t figure out what should be the default value in the blueprint so this device can be optional (not selected). I created this, but doesn’t seem to trigger blueprint: name: sync domain: automation input: input_template: name: template selector: template: trigger: - platform: template value_template: !input input_template action: - service: notify. Can I’m trying to use dashboard helpers as inputs for multiple values in a blueprint, but I can’t get it to work to set the temperature. : ```yaml blueprint: name: Nested Trigger Blueprint domain: automation input: usertrigger: selector: trigger: trigger: - platform: time_pattern seconds: /10 - platform: trigger trigger: !input usertrigger condition: [] action: [] ``` This can trigger the blueprint on the predefined time pattern, in addition to any triggers specified by the user. eprj icrlp qlirnv husftf ayngnd ecg arwrq gwwpmw ajl xzkxnrcab