My boyfriend has no friends or hobbies

√ Understand your partner’s behavior. Sometimes I just don't get around to telling her stuff because I get tired of trying to interject between her rapid-fire talking. Here are five signs that may signal that your relationship is Experts suggest that couples don’t have to share many of the same interests to have a long and lasting relationship. Another reason your girlfriend might not have a life outside your relationship is a lack of personal interests or hobbies. He says he has enough friends and that he’s fine – but admits that before meeting you, he didn’t socialise and was deeply unhappy Boyfriend (32M) has no friends! [new] tldr: boyfriend has no friends and I dont know what to think about it. I, too, tend to make only a few close friends, so it would be cool if we're on the same page socially. If he’s not fixing parts, he’s editing videos, or chatting with his buddies about it. I wouldn't even think differently of her. Try to find other people to try a new hobby with. People need at least a little human contact in order to thrive, and true isolation Jun 17, 2024 · Try this simple four-step process. He's happy. Feb 5, 2023 · “I have learned if a man has yet to find a satisfying career, he has trouble even beginning thinking about a serious relationship. The possibilities are endless. hell end up resenting you if he just feels bad every time he goes out without you. If my girfriend told me she didn't have any friends I wouldn't think any less of her at all. Jul 6, 2016 · It could be the feeling that no one likes him, self consciousness about appearance, general and social anxiety, or any number of “source issues. He is very introverted- it has taken me a long time to get to know him properly and the fact that he I'm sorry that you hurt, and feel like nobody's close enough to help you. We have never fought, we are still very much in love and affectionate, and other than this everything is great. One important factor is the ability to keep a conversation going. One night for spending time with friends or family. And today, we have another "true dating confession" from a reader who's worried that her boyfriend has no If your boyfriend having hobbies is the key to you staying with him or not, you need to reassess the relationship, seems like your thought process is rather shallow. This will also help you because it will allow you to pursue some of your own activities without worrying about him moping around the house since he doesn’t have anything else going on. If you haven’t already, I’d try to start there instead of insisting he goes out. And although my friends like him and see him as a friend, he also says thinks they see him as an acquaintance as well, even after I reassure him Reply reply. My boyfriend of 12 years has no other friends and he is perfectly happy with that. 337 votes, 87 comments. Volunteer your time. " Continue to ask yourself what your previous statement means about you. sorry, I kind of skipped over this in my post because it felt like it was getting long, but a lot of the times he will make comments to me about having no friends. 12. Sure, healthy friendships are good for your physical and mental health. For example, "Being alone means no one wants to Oct 12, 2020 · This can be a real challenge with what to do with a retired husband with no hobbies or friends. He is introverted and sensitive. He is sweet, caring, affectionate, and helpful. You might feel ashamed of him in the presence of your friends and colleagues. SomeArtist. This was not the case when we first started dating; he had an fairly active social life, plenty of friends, and attended a handful of parties. OK #1. 5 years now. My boyfriend (20) and I have been in a relationship for 2. Hobbies are relaxation activities pursued for pleasure, relaxation, and personal fulfillment outside work, education, or other obligations. Being desperate means trying too hard to be a people pleaser. Jul 2, 2023 · In this article, I will share the possible reasons why your boyfriend doesn’t have friends and what you can do about it. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for maintaining a healthy and balanced partnership. 37 votes, 14 comments. On Tuesday, we talked to a reader who was embarrassed by her boyfriend. You may not be healthy living this way but there are some ppl who are so introverted that they don't need anyone. It's hard for me to imagine being in a relationship where we can't make each other laugh. When we first got together she had a roommate, her best friend No friends = red flag. Feb 13, 2023 · Turn acquaintances into friends. A couple/few close friends, however, is what I actually prefer. i’ve probably tried so many sports ADMIN MOD. Having no friends shows that he is not a trustworthy person. This absence leaves her feeling a sense of longing for companionship and an outlet to explore her interests. They blame everybody and everything on the depression, trauma and use it to justify their actions and behavior. If you have children, these issues come to For all the latest on news, politics, sports, and showbiz from the USA, go to The Mirror US. In my experience, when my partner doesn't have friends they lean on me more for company and entertainment. Let him know how it makes you feel - sad from feeling isolated, sad and bothered that the two of you don’t go out and do anything and concern for him. My (22F) boyfriend (22M) has been together for almost 2 years. Conversation is the blood vein of social connection. May 12, 2019 · There seems to be a glaring contradiction in his statements. He’s Not Ready for a Serious Relationship. Personality issues such as being pushy, too talkative, or controlling can be off My issue is that he has literally no other hobbies. Hope he can find his way to some new friends. Even if you show respect and learn more, you still may be worlds apart when it comes to certain hobbies and things you like to do. It’s easier to get out of bed in the morning for a yoga class Sep 20, 2012 · 17. You can turn acquaintances into friends by simply talking to them from time to time, finding out more about their interests, and sharing your thoughts with them. Meanwhile, men can be a bit more of lone rangers and it doesn’t seem to bother them Sep 30, 2022 · Here’s what you should do when you’re ambitious, but your boyfriend isn’t: 1. He has no right to berate other people passions in my opinion. IE, if she wants a shepherd, get a shepherd, not a shepherd mix, not a rescue, etc; a shepherd puppy that she chose. Jan 3, 2023 · Puzzled why your boyfriend has no friends? Don't let your boyfriend's lack of a social life bring you down! So hop on to these crazy cool tips and let the Oct 3, 2008 · October 3, 2008. We recently made a big move to the city and started new jobs. Anonymous #1. If your spouse is happy and does not cramp your style, he probably is happy. Start with the assumption that your boyfriend is never going to modify his current behavior. So I started dating my bf about a month ago, and have come to the realization that he has absolutely no friends, like not a single one! I met him at a figure drawing class at my uni a couple of months ago, he was passing around advice and we talked for a bit. If the relationship is going to flourish, you need communication as well as compromise. BF doesn’t care about my interests. As her partner, it is essential to approach this situation with sensitivity and understanding. I will be glad she told me the truth instead of trying to make up stories. You might think, “I’m a good husband and father, I don’t cheat, I’m not mean or abusive, and I’m a good provider financially. I'm meeting these guys at a hobby meetup in public, not an alleyway. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’ve always been quiet and don’t have a lot of friends. Due to the nature of his job (he's on the road Monday-Thursday), we Constant_Swimmer_875. Aug 7, 2018 · Or possibly, a nice guy who is introverted! OP, I am similar to your husband. This continued as I attended a nice 4-year university for 3 years before going on indefinite hiatus due to not particularly liking any of the majors. As the dead philosopher says, a burden shared is a burden halved; thanks for sharing your experience with us. Your boyfriend isn’t doing anything special for you because he’s busy doing something special for somebody else (or a bunch of other women, if he’s that type of guy). √ Be supportive and not critical of them. ImaginaryHour. He would send me pictures and texts all the time even when he's with his friends and when he's doing his things. ADMIN MOD. Jul 25, 2023 · 1. We stayed in contact for a few weeks till we "officially" started dating. helplessbuterrfly. For example, "I don't have any friends or family members. These days, the most convenient thing to do is to befriend someone. And not all hobbies need or should be shared. you need to work on friendships and hobbies outside if your bf. Once that message sinks through, let her know that this hurts you. In other words, I’m a good person! My [28 M] girlfriend [29 F] has no friends or hobbies. You might well feel desperate to make a few friends, but there’s a difference between feeling desperate and being desperate. I (28f) HATE my boyfriend's (34m) hobby. I'm a girl. Or maybe just maturity. so my boyfriend of nearly 3 years has no friends nd it really upsets him he even puts up online asking if people want to do stuff and nobody ever replies to him nd it really breaks my heart becausw hes the most amazing, interesting person ever. Many of us were shamed for developing our own tastes in music, clothing, or other interests. Keep consistency in showing up, and friendships will happen. Sometimes, it doesn’t work out but it is always worth the try. Maybe your boyfriend is an introvert that often wants to be alone. That doesn't make it bad or good, it just means maybe there's not a good fit with you two. Most people ik are glad just to have love, lover is stronger than most friends u will ever make in life, enjoy ur bf, u don’t need friends. He is busy spending his romantic spontaneity on another woman while you get what’s leftover. It bothers him to see other guys "put their hands all over me". I do a ton of dad stuff too, but I also have hobbies on the side. To me, I take interest in my BFs interests because they’re important to him so nothing he talks about is irrelevant to me. That's all that matters! My only hobbies during this time were video games, reading books, and browsing the Internet. It seems strange that your relationship has progressed for more than a year when the both of you seem to laugh freely with other people but not with each other. I'm a boring person to talk to, I have no hobbies or interests. During the "honey moon" period of a relationship that's fine. Jun 10, 2020 · Maybe it's you. Sometimes, he tries to make friends but it doesn’t work well. Jul 31, 2023 · Conclusion: The statement “My wife has no friends” indicates a potential issue affecting her social well-being and overall happiness. Video games, seeing friends, long bath, or just sleep, etc. The lack of meaningful friendships can affect a person’s mental and emotional state. If she doesn't get that, this is an issue. " Next, ask yourself what this means about you. because of their own identity issues stemming from their own abusive childhoods. He is the sweetest guy and I love him to death but it has become increasingly noticeable how clingy he is. One night alone to do whatever you want to do apart. i always ask him out with my friends who arnt all Mar 19, 2024 · Let’s dive into 10 possible reasons why he might be acting like a total “bro before hoes” cliché. My DH is extremely social and extroverted, and it bothers him that I just don’t enjoy being with large groups of friends all the time. Don’t stress yourself out if there’s something else going on in your boyfriend’s life that could be causing him to act this way. I did not play any sports or do any extracurricular activities. Just enjoy you bf, spend more time with him. I have been with my boyfriend, who I will call James, for about 5 months now. I have school and work tho. He was extremely dependent on me and whenever i asked him what he wanted for his life, his response was always “I just want to be with you. For me, however, I need time away from my significant other and with my friends and hobbies. I feel like I have nobody in my life I could just call and have a chat with Jul 27, 2012 · You just might, and this may lead to you both enjoying the same hobby. It's probably not what you want to hear, but the only solution to not having interests/hobbies/talents is to try more things. They want to keep things casual and hang onto their single-dude lifestyle as long as possible. Do not get her a Dog. If you spend all of your free time together you will eventually get sick of one another. For example, "I'm alone. I’m (32F) really glad that he has something he likes but the fact that it takes up a good portion of his money, his My partner and I (both early 20s) have been together for a year, and my relationship with them is great. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games He chose you to be his girlfriend because he likes you for YOU, he doesn't like you for your friends. I got fired from my job while I was with him Jun 14, 2011 · My boyfriend is a great guy. Your Girlfriend Has no Hobbies. It’ll emotionally drain you and my best advice is to end it unless he’s willing to step up. The person has few interests and hobbies. As a person with no hobbies myself I don't feel like you should break up if he's not leaning on your excessively to fill the void. now at 23 i work and come home, sleep, eat, social media everything this girl does with a slight hint of video games [TD;LR] My(22F) boyfriend(23M) has no friends and sometimes he gets stressed from social life. BF (34M) and I (28F) of 1 year have no hobbies in common. Him being clingy isn't necessarily the worst thing. true. ( ex. She finds herself navigating through days that lack the deep connections and meaningful activities that could enhance her well-being. I have never in the whole three months that we have lived together seen him engage in any other activity other than working or computer gaming. Until the moment you can safely say you have made a friend, at least you spent your time engaging in a hobby or interest you like. My family is quite small and I don't consider them friends because they're family and I don't think I could have a friendship with them. . ) Think about it, if a man is comfortable with you doing all the work then he really brings nothing to the relationship. The Dog will eventually be your responsibility, because it was YOUR idea. then life hit me like a train and by 21 i had stopped entirely. The woman revealed that while she has one friend and a few acquaintances that she enjoys seeing, her Oct 23, 2023 · The Impact on the Relationship. He is a great person. This is toxic you should be with someone who is at least willing to do things you like even if they don’t love it. Playing matchmaker. That is still okay. I just left the pub where I met up with my sister, her housemate and a bunch of friends I use to be able to have a laugh with. Aug 23, 2018 · Master Conversation and Social Skills. And btw you seem like a really thoughtful partner. They have way more friends than I do and I feel our time spent apart is very different in that they have a healthy well-rounded life of hobbies, friends and seeing me whereas my life consists of mostly seeing them or running errands and looking forward to seeing them. Don’t be desperate. But even if you have no friends, doing hobbies with others can be a great way to meet new people, plus it can incentivize you to continue with your hobby. No, you do not have to have the same hobbies although it can be a lot of fun to find one to do together that you both enjoy. if i don’t get a interested in something it usually only lasts a couple days and same could be said for hobbies. TW// In the club, not too long ago, a so called female friend of his molested him. But he has literally no friends and no family. FWIW, NParents often have no hobbies, interests, etc. I saw all the different subs you've posted in and it's sweet that you're making such an effort to help him. I also don't have any long term friends, for the same reasons. Tangyplacebo621. Begin with a neutral statement about your social situation. Tonight when I turned up, no one was really enthused that I hadn't seen them in ages. My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years, and we've lived together for exactly 1. It’s always a bad idea to try to change a man, especially if he is content with the way things are. Jul 28, 2023 · We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If you share many of the same core values, your relationship has a stronger foundation than if it’s based purely on a similar taste in music, or other interests that might shift throughout life. We do almost no activities together except for sleeping together, eating, watching TV, shopping, and other mundane daily things. Oct 4, 2023 · If your boyfriend has no friends, it can be concerning. i used to have a ton of hobbies i actively participated in growing up, drawing being one of my all time faves and i got advanced enough digitally to start selling pieces at $100-$150 a pop. Find common interests. i have a similar issue but i’ve been working on “not saying no” to plans my friends invite me to and i have also been getting pretty close to my bf’s girl friends (everyone is in a relationship so the boys hang It's not your responsibility to take on his hobbies, or suddenly be interested in something he has decided he's obsessed with. It's more the fact that he has no friends and no hobbies. And just because you're married doesn't mean you spend all your time in each other's back pocket. Relationships. ” 9) Can you talk to him about it? No matter what problems you face in a relationship, communication is so But those aren't really hobbies per se. Casual sex, yes. 18. Someone very close to me is divorcing a man with no friends. He also doesn't use any social media whatsoever. ”. Volunteering is an excellent way to meet new people that are passionate about the same things you are! Jan 14, 2023 · First, to the antisocial spouse (or person whose wife is saying “My husband has no friends or hobbies,”) you might not think this is a big problem. Reply reply. Even for the people who act stoic and “don’t want Feb 2, 2022 · If he has no friends and no life outside of you, give him space so that he can develop his own hobbies and interests. We’ve been together only for 4 months now. So let's do a quick check-in. Soft music in the background, no tv. I cling to my bf all the time and he clings to me all the time too altho he has some friends and some hobbies. I personally believe it’s good to have some separate hobbies and not be attached at the hip. 5 days ago · 7 Ways To Help Your Husband Socialize. Bowling. √ Encourage My boyfriend (36M) has been doing a hobby for the past six months and I hate the fact that it encompasses his entire nonworking existence. Be friendly. My husband and I are both introverts and have been happily married for several years. A wife can match-make her husband if she feels he might get along with her friend’s husband. If that makes you bored, then that's also a problem on your end. He is loving, kind, intelligent and funny. There are always other women around. So he feel bad. He's obviously entitled to his hobby and doing his own thing, and what he spends his money on is his own business but you should tell him it's driving a wedge between you, that you don't give a shit about it and that Lack of “hobbies” affecting my relationship. and it reallt upsets him when i go out with friends because he doesnt have people to do stuff with. Yes, matchmaking like when a girl is matched up with a boy or also called the fix-up. Nov 18, 2021 · 10 Issues You May Have If Your Boyfriend Has No Male Friends. Feb 13, 2008 · You might end up feeling contempt and disdain for his lack of ambition. He ticks all the boxes, but he lacks boundaries and self respect. I (33f) have been dating my boyfriend for about eight months, hes a lovely person, gets along with my friends and family, has a stable job, very passionate about cooking and animals. My insecurities and self doubts always ended up pushing people away. If I was your bf, I would dump you in a quick minute. •. Even a misanthropist has friends. I still can binge-play them from time to time (hello, Dragon Dogma, fuck you for taking 70 hrs from my last two weeks), but I have other hobbies that actually require some input from me, and better me as a person. he has few friends and no real hobby. I have a boyfriend that I live with, and I feel like I'm starting to leech of him. for example if i’m telling him i made plans on the weekend, he’ll sometimes say things like “oh well what am i supposed to do” or “i guess i’ll just stay here by myself until you get home”. Don’t expect him to change. He is otherwise a good guy and well-meaning, he pays plenty of attention to me, and he generally manages to get his part of the chores done. Go to concerts, check out maker festivals, do whatever local events are happening. I’m curious, are you supposed to be interested in your SO’s interests or are there some things you don’t share bc you know they’re not into them. 1. Being lazy , no motivation, no hobbies, etc. However, beginning around last November or so, he just stopped going out. My boyfriend doesn't really have friends. My Boyfriend Has No Friends. Why? 1. I’ve been happy and content with how our life is. No brothers or sisters. Dec 14, 2014 · A. Introvert Personality. If she really does WANT a dog, be very clear that it is HERS and get her EXACTLY THE ONE SHE WANTS. When your girlfriend doesn’t have any friends, it can positively and negatively impact your relationship. And before anyone asks, I love videogames. The point is that insecurity takes many forms, and even if your spouse doesn’t recognize it, it’s likely at the root of their problems. I need him to want to be away from me too. There’s often a reason why men won’t hang out with other guys. 2. I basically feel like if I died tomorrow, nobody would give a shit and I'd be forgotten in a matter of days. We have been getting more stable and serious conversations about commitment. ” He would never talk to his friends and didn’t have hobbies or drive. A Tinder meet-up? Sure. If she has no hobbies, that's fine for her if that makes her happy. He just keeps me in the loop all the time. Be relaxed. Aug 16, 2023 · 11. Context: I have been dating my bf for over 3 years and we are in our late 20s. Regrettably, my wife currently has no friends or hobbies. It sort of depends to me. Granted, I don't get a lot of time to do my hobbies due to doing things with the kids, but I do fit some hobby time in. You may already have friends who would want to try new things with you. daleonfire. If you do not have friends because of the way you treat others and make them feel, huge red flag. However, if he/she wants this hobby to be their “personal” hobby then you have to respect that. Award. In order to do this, you need to learn to get interested in others and ask them questions about themselves. This made me think I'm not really a character to get Oct 18, 2023 · 2. And they should have hobbies. It should be give and take. If you master it, you’ll get all the friends and influence you want. And don't even know it. Often, men become distant in a relationship because their mind is occupied with something unrelated to the relationship in question. Brooo I wish I had a significant other, I got no friends and no love, u got a lover and people still complain. Basically, she won't feel the need to change for herself, but there is hope she will change so she doesn't cause you pain. He’s Seeing Somebody Else. If you feel guilty, for no reason, then that's a problem on your end. People tell me all the time that there's gotta be something wrong with him or that he's crazy and it's so annoying. Here's the issue: he almost has no social life beyond me. One night for quiet conversation. Increased Reliance: Your girlfriend may rely heavily on you for emotional support and companionship. I'm happy. But people have hobbies (and friends). . I love my boyfriend and he's a great guy. Reasons my boyfriend of three months doesn't like it: he thinks it's weird and unsafe that I practice with "random" men. Especially since it seems you do things for him you don’t love. The person takes no responsibility for their own feelings. It becomes safer to just have no opinion. Be yourself. However, one thing is driving a huge wedge between us: his love of-or should I say obsession with-Magic: The Gathering. I recently ended a two year relationship with my boyfriend for very similar reasons. No one else's opinion matters but your own. There’s nothing wrong with being alone, don’t let society fool u into thinking otherwise, everyone has a plan and a journey in this world, some are different than others, you should try airsofting or paintball, or a fun hobby that involves other people, you can go out there alone, there many people that go, and you can meet people slowly but surely there! exactlytttttt true. it made me think and he’s right i legitimately don’t have any hobbies or interests that i can hold onto for a long time. Jul 25, 2022 · 12. Try to just engage with the hobby with others and have natural conversations. This comprehensive guide explains why it may not be a red flag and offers practical advice to help. Possibly an issue of compatibility. If you don’t have a ton of friends due to circumstances like you just laid out, then no, not a red flag. Ballroom dancing. Apr 20, 2018 · It really is! We require more of the chemicals we get from friendship than men require in order to feel happy. If you’re ready, let’s dive in. I had no friends, male or female. Look, some guys just aren’t ready to commit to a real, grown-up relationship. Sep 15, 2020 · It really comes down to what you want. I noticed that he doesn’t meet friends frequently and barely have friends (1 or 2 maybe?). Ever since I graduated, I've struggled to keep a job and I have no motivation anymore. Individuals need individual time. I dont have many friends and no hobbies. I can honestly say that I love him. Tell her that the relationship and your emotions are becoming strained because she has no outside world. I've been with my boyfriend just over six months and it's becoming increasingly apparent that he has no kind of social life outside of seeing me, and that he doesn't seem at all interested in making friends and developing one. He has a dream job in mind (which I feel is entirely attainable) but is not May 19, 2011 · People who are uncomfortable with others or prefer to be alone may have a hard time maintaining friendships. And, I share some hobbies with my children (fishing/archery/music). Batting cages. It's a bit weird when a guy has a ton of friends, none of whom he's really close with. Sep 28, 2023 · So make friends with this person, but don’t make them the center of your world. Oct 14, 2023 · Yes, it is a red flag because it shows a general aversion to your boyfriend’s character. She just stays busy doing mom stuff for the most part. my boyfriend told me today that i don’t have any hobbies and all i want to do is just be with him and nothing else. Guys, in particular, tend to try to excuse other guys My girlfriend is the worst of both worlds - has no hobbies/friends (other than TV) AND dominates the conversation (with excruciating details) so much that I can barely get a word in most times. He is stressed out about other things in his life. A person with few hobbies or interests may be a person who is dependent on others for their sense of self, and may be very demanding in a relationship. Like we reconvene in the evening or whenever we're done with our day time things, but we don't have any common hobbies. Maybe you're the one who's being toxic in the relationship. But a meaningful, long-term relationship? Maybe in a few years. He has his family that he relies on, he has me, and a few coworkers that he considers "friends", but he believes that they see him more as an acquaintance. lg vm pb mj ei zr ph jh be lz