God healed my cat. And I pray that they would sleep peacefully and restfully.

He said, I am your Healer—right now, today! “I am the Lord, and I do not change” (Malachi 3:6). The very first humans God created decided that, rather than I pray that you will just heal my cat, and help him get through this very bad sickness. I hope my words encourage anyone looking for healing. For I too am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. Psalm 147:9 tells us that God is concerned for all His creation, including the animals He created. (Psalm 38:5, emphasis added) Oct 17, 2010 · My dog is a beautiful 2-year-old Schnauzer. May 19, 2011 · Hold on my child…God is able to heal of any sickness. This healing took place when I meditated on Psalm 23:1—the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want—for about an hour during my drive home from work. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it. The Lord subsequently opened my eyes to this power by completely healing a two-year back pain. She was a fully healed and heathy kitty learning to live outside the small room she knew and someone other than me by the time she was around 10 months old. i just want to give you all a few scriptures to just read everyday. A broken metabolism. I self medicated for years and entered into several very bad and abusive relationships. Fear took hold, along with suggestions of poisoning. Instead why not pray ‘Thank you God, that according to your Word, the stripes of Jesus have healed me. I felt like the pressure that was on me, as a woman, was heavy. very good…I know you will have a testimony one day…just do not give up! Even so, pets are all important to You whether it is a dog, cat, lizard, snake, hamster, pig, a fish whatever it may be, You created it. 3. He loves and cares about all the animals and it pains and grieves Him when any have a bad time of it--not even a little sparrow falls without Him knowing and caring about it Matt. Any time you think you'd want to do it, maybe go out and donate to a food bank instead, or even a homeless dude on the street to chat with. God, I also wanna claim Psalm 6:2 as well. My family recognised it as a miracle of God. ” Sep 14, 2020 · Christ didn’t die so that four-legged creatures might repent and be saved. Jul 14, 2017 · And why didn’t I pray for my own heart healing? My prayer of faith that afternoon has been life-changing: “Lord, please help me to pray like Louise. I was reminded of the Scripture in Genesis 2:21 that says God “closed up the flesh instead thereof” after He took Adam’s rib to make him a helper. None of us will have an excuse at the end of our lives, as God plainly shows His divine nature in all of creation. “Study to show yourself approved by God, a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. ” (NIV) Immediately my conscience bothered me and I felt dirty. I am convinced of the love of God, the depth of which surpasses understanding, for you and your pets. Jul 25, 2013 · Maybe it seemed silly to me to 'bother' God with prayer for my cat. That’s when my cat, Pookers, walked in Debating Christianity and Religion Civil and engaging debate on Christianity and religious issues Jun 23, 2024 · The hand of God healed a man from Virginia who said that God healed him after a stroke when he cried out to God saying, “You got to help me. I did not want this to happen again, so I turned to Christian Science for help. My body trembles as I pray for my precious pet and ask that You will watch over them as the doctor euthanizes them. Highly Tuned Hearing; 2. Several years ago my aunt had a serious medical situation, and made an amazingly quick recovery for how bad her condition got. I ask these things in Your Son’s name, Jesus Christ, amen! God of healing, please comfort and strengthen (pet's name) during his/her illness. Grant them moments of pure joy and innocent mischief. Question. Once we were at Sonya’s Garden, I questioned the silliness of my prayer and thought of forgoing the birthday buffet. I was really looking for some answers. 2:15). Apr 18, 2016 · That might seem counterintuitive, but my prayers were inspiring me to recognize my God-given, flawless, undamaged, spiritual identity. can took Fuled off is lungs 150 mm . God has answered my prayers before. They only suggest fruits and foods you can eat to help it. The time it takes for an abscess to heal can vary depending on what caused it, how big it is, how healthy the cat is who has the abscess, and what treatment is pursued. And I pray that they would sleep peacefully and restfully. Over the years Missy brought us Aug 22, 2019 · The more we sought God, the more God directed us to go to one of Jon’s meetings. Reply Lord, I come before You asking that You would heal my pet. A Prayer For the Blessing of an Animal. Oct 14, 2020 · God of all comfort, You know the pain that I am suffering through right now. Feb 8, 2023 · May these Scriptures encourage you to pray to God for healing and seek His strength. ee/dailyeffectiveprayerBe sure to SUBSCRIBE (click the bell 🔔) to catch all th God healed my spine about a month ago. August 2009. Jan 26, 2024 · 1. Dear God, I come to You today on behalf of my beloved cat. 34:4). Numbness. I am in need of Your A non-denominational Protestant-only subreddit for the encouragement of Bible-believing Christians, to the glory of God. – Psalm 147:2 . Please, please lay your healing hands on our very much loved Kenny. We prayed and prayed, we asked our Friends and family to pray. Saying, “If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your healer. Please Jesus let her eat her food today. I prayed but nothing happened so I asked God to show me the reason for the pain. God cares very deeply about your pain and feels it Himself for you. Help them, Lord, deliver (pet's name) from any pain and suffering. It is simply one of God’s many miracles. ” He told me that I was and had been a wonderful mom and grandmother, but that that was not my first job. 8). Why does God choose to heal some and not heal others? Some will tell you it is God’s will to heal everybody. I can't praise God enough for your teachings! I stood on God's Word for healing for my dog when the vet said that she was dying. I decided to keep him anyway and thought that if I prayed really hard God would grant me the miracle of healing him. My prior vet, who had retired, always advised me accordingly. On the third day you shall go up to the house of the Lord . Sep 3, 2013 · Hart, who continues to take Tarceva at the request of his physicians, sees only God as the source of the miracle, and has used his story to bring hope and share his faith. My God, I come before You seeking healing for my eyes. Jun 16, 2024 · Please ask God to heal my cat and help me not have a nervous breakdown. “Return and say to Hezekiah the leader of My people, ‘Thus says the Lord, the God of your father David, “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; behold, I will heal you. At this time, several decades later, I didn’t possess a Sep 30, 2022 · My current vet wondered to still treat, I thought all of their ailments were end-of-life issues. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteo I'm going to take it a step further than the previous comment. Jesus said, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God” (Luke 12:6). And all healing that comes to us, comes to us from God. I Am The God That Healeth Video Nov 30, 2022 · And it was MY fault. He lives in our rumpus room downstairs. 10:29 God supplies food for the wild birds Matt 6:26 and He even hears the cries of newborn ravens crying to Him for food Job 38:41. And yet, because God created animals, he has regard for them. 2. ” DARE to Believe! To learn more about healing order your copy of DARE to Believe today. ” I have a beautiful pet cat called George, I got him as a present on my 5th birthday, I love him dearly. I was an addict for over 30 years due to being sexual molested as a child. Your loving cat is rejuvenated, healed, and waiting for you to join them. Why is this happening to me? Where is God supposed to be? What can I do to heal my eyesight? When I was 17 I prayed then a few weeks later I measured my vision and it was 20/20, I went to the optician who confirmed my vision was 20/20, despite being very surprised. Mar 28, 2022 · First, armed with the trust that God sovereignly ordains our prayers as a means to accomplish his ends, we freely pray for miracles, as Elijah did (James 5:17–18). The twenty-third Psalm assures us that God is protecting us, even when we feel afraid: “The Lord is my shepherd; … Mar 9, 2021 · Unlike the first time my cat was made a matter of prayer, God chose to heal my cat’s wound over a period of time. Yes, I have an illness but knowing my worth as a beloved daughter of God helped me uncover my masks. Pray for a miraculous intervention from God for the cat’s healing. May 21, 2021 · Scriptures that God used to help me heal. I had 65 percent of my blood just disappear and I went to the hospital, well they put me under for a scope, while I was under, my husband sat in the waiting room, talking in the spirit. Honestly, before God healed my daughter, I would pray for God to heal others, but I didn’t necessarily expect to see a miracle. Cat Purr Healing Science; Cat’s Purrs and Healing Broken Bones; Other Health and Wellness Benefits Associated with Purring; Does Petting a Cat Relieve Stress? The Energetic Force and Power of Cats: Their Six Senses. Ease his/her fear and pain, and guide the vet and all caring for him/her, that he/ she may recover fully. I knew that God is our healer and you just have to ask Him in Jesus’ name for the healing, or command the healing in Jesus Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. Others believe that the noise is from the muscles contracting in the cat’s larynx and vibrating the glottis. I’m beyond frustrated and scared. Right noe He at the vet. ” Joseph – Hebrew name meaning “God will increase”. Having to put my beloved pet down was never a part of the plans I had for their life. A few years ago my back started to ache frequently. I’m working on Jan 13, 2024 · Healing prayer for my cat. Jesus d May 14, 2021 · When she was comfortable, I asked her to stay still and watch her favorite cartoon, which she was happy to do, while I continued to pray for her healing. He says in Jeremiah 30:17 “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Two weeks ago I watched two stray doberman pinchers kill my cat in front of me. I know if he actually takes the time to heal an animal, surely he will heal any and every person. Guide me to see the world through Your loving and merciful gaze. ” On May 3, 2019, Maurice suddenly felt strange, “Felt sparks coming all through my head and I was totally out… The worst kind of suffering is that which seems absolutely meaningless. “Rainbow Bridge” from Unknown. Lord I give everything to you, and just lay your hand on my cat. But the centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed. “My wayward children,” says the Lord, “come back to me, and I will heal your Aug 6, 2024 · Pray for comfort and peace for the cat during this time of illness. ” Ian – Gaelic name for “a gift from the Lord. We can’t ask God to do something he’s already done. Apr 16, 2019 · The way the illness operates is it runs your mind in a loop over a certain anxiety, which becomes an obsession. Veterinarians don’t take payment plans and my cat insurance only covers what is already spent. Why didn’t God answer my prayer for _____ [fill in the blank]. Aug 3, 2012 · He wills to heal all things, for all people, all the time. May they be blessed with happiness and contentment, and may their every moment be filled with joy, comfort, and delight. You are the Great Physician, and I believe in Your power to restore and renew every part of my body. I didn’t want to go to the dentist, as I had already experienced so many healing miracles in my life and wanted to give God the glory for this healing. You keep all your creatures in your care so that none of them is lost without your knowledge. In Divine Revelation, God reveals himself to us directly through Scripture. Praise the Lord! God is so good and He loves and cares about me! Aug 1, 2022 · God chose to heal him. We ask you to help him feel better as quickly as possible. You will get to meet Dec 1, 2005 · God's Healing of an Animal Animal Stories from All-Creatures. May 13, 2021 · A Prayer for a Sick Pet. It’s God’s will to heal us, and we are already healed in the spirit realm. But we have to remember one thing: we live in a fallen world. Ues He can. But, with patience and gentle self-care, there are things that you and your family can do to ease the pain and grief of losing your cat. I prayed to God and after passing some gas I became fine. In Jesus’ name, I trust in Your complete God may not directly heal your spiritual scars, but He may bring an opportunity into your life, that if you utilise, will ultimately help you heal. I thought to myself, If God is real, then I’m in trouble, because if God is real, then hell is real and the 10 commandments are real and I’m going to hell. ’ This is confident and assured; a more effective way to pray and stops you doubting if it’s God’s will to heal. Because of my foolishness. He actually laughed and said, “Oh my goodness, my mom is human. ”. There was really no explanation what the blockage was. It’s a mystery as to why and when God chooses to heal us. He didn’t say, I was the Lord who healed you, or I will be the Lord who heals you in heaven someday. I pray my landlord doesn’t get rid of them or kill them. Mar 1, 2018 · Prayer For Cats | Prayers For Cat Healing, Health, and Blessinghttps://linktr. And there’s a key lesson that, I believe, we as Christians can learn from that. ” Jayden – Hebrew name for someone who is “thankful to God”. Nov 13, 2023 · James 5:16King James Version16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. My cat was struggling to pee. Apr 16, 2022 · A Prayer For You: God I ask You in Jesus' name bless me with the desires of my heart that is the will of God for my life and the lives of those I pray for. Community has been God’s way of telling me, He loves me and has carried me through my healing journey. He said it’s best to end his life with grace referring to my former cat way back in 2007. I pray that his transition is peaceful and he feels my love for him as he goes. My only hope is in God and although there aren’t many stories of God healing people with anxiety and depression, I have to hold on to hope in him. God is still in the healing business. I was playing with my kid, he fell and got a cut and was bleeding. Feb 23, 2023 · God created us this way. Jan 13, 2024 · In addition to direct verses that promise healing, the Psalms also provide encouragement, comfort, and faith-building wisdom concerning God’s heart to heal. Dear God, thank you for the blessing of this child. Jun 28, 2023 · He is my best friend, my companion, my joy, my shadow, my happiness, my love in a life long pet whom I rescued over a year ago however he also rescued me! He was a scared cat which overtime learned to know what it felt like to trust again, to be loved, cared for, given a name to feel and know he was important, wanted and special, given security That’s amazing. Nov 10, 2020 · I prayed: “Dear Lord, my cat is feeling sick right now. By tapping into timeless revelations found in these ancient poetic songs, we gain insight into partnering with God for miraculous healing. Some healing will come now, all will come soon. Here’s what she has to say about it: I have had severe low back pain for most of my life. Take away the pain they are experiencing and help their body to be restored to full health. Look up these scriptures and then having done all to stand, stand therefore. My morning thoughts were plagued with the idea of ill-fate befalling up my parents or sisters. We place an emphasis on sharing biblically sound advice and content with one another. God really does heal. My heart is about to explode in my chest as I pray these words. Please Father, have mercy on my cat, for he feels weak. Hours later, I went home with my cat, and as soon as I got home, he was doing the same thing—squatting in random parts of the house and struggling to pee. But this little boy prayed, as did his mom, and me, too. Amen. Dear lord give him the strength to eat and drink, and lord please give him the strength to fight and win this battle. Energy healing for cats works across the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our feline friends. I recognized the symptoms, because I had lost other cats to the same malady. God opened our eyes at the very moment our son was being physically tormented and we both knew that it was time to put these “demons” to the Jul 21, 2010 · Please pray for a dental healing miracul i don’t know who else to ask … for me as well I suffer from teeth decay on 5 of my teeth & restore the teeth I have lost it’s getting hard for me to chew I don’t smile as much anymore because I’m ashamed and embarreset of my teeth it put me to depression I don’t like going to the dentist because I’m scared what they might think of my teeth Faithful God, I praise you; my soul will not forget all the benefits you load me with daily. It took what seemed a long time to be healed but I believe more in the Lords power than ever! He truly is a loving God and wants us to be healed by the grace of Jesus’s blood spilled for us. The poem’s origin is unknown, yet the Rainbow Bridge remains one of the most famous prayers for the loss of a pet. A few weeks after I got him as a puppy, he was diagnosed with kidney disease. Jan 2, 2023 · A Miracle Prayer For Your Cat. Comfort us, too, God, that we may better care for [name of pet] and make decisions that are best for him/her. I would like to share a testimony with you about how God healed me through a miracle. For nearly four years, my body had betrayed me. Here’s the email we received. My skin is now clear and looks younger all the time. There is a web site that is decicated to parying for healing. God said, “I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26). But that doesn’t mean God doesn’t care about them. Unexplained headaches. Please forgive my negligence I prayed to God and then again after a couple of hours the sun came up. I would often obsess over the fear of harm coming to my family members. Jul 19, 2019 · Submit yourselves therefore to God. I went to my first meeting in 1982 with my Mum and Dad. I had just sat slumped in mychair at the kitchen table; no one thought I was listening, so they were stunned when I suddenly said, “if I can be healed it will be by Jesus Christ”. Too many depressing things on the main page, so post about what makes you warm and fuzzy inside! Jan 13, 2014 · All diseases will be healed, eventually. ” When I got up the next day, the wound on her body was completely healed . I pray this miracle testimony blesses you and raises your I am the God that healeth thee I am the Lord your Healer I sent My Word and I healed your disease I am the Lord your Healer You are the God That healeth me You are the Lord my Healer You sent Your Word and You healed my disease You are the Lord my Healer . Today she is a happy, spoiled rotten 9 yr old princess. But God does not heal Milo. Please Jesus heal Lucky and take away hear pain and fear. The entire arm throbbed, and the area of the bite became swollen and discolored. And I’m like God why. Dwelling on an image of a damaged material body or entertaining fears of having a permanently misshapen mouth would not help heal it. I had eaten plenty of eggs and pluses at a party. Humans, not animals, are the crown of God’s creation (see Ps. Please Lord, fulfill Your promises in Malachi 4:2 and Psalm 6:2. I asked God to exempt me from gluten sensitivity on birthday. give her strength and stamina. ” – Exodus 15:26 . Would God take their lives to punish me? Doctors can’t help people with brain damage. The hole was so big that I could put the tip of my tongue into it. We have a cat flap so that he can go outside. Jun 16, 2022 · If you’re missing your cat more than you can say, read through my tips and the readers comments for comfort and compassion. James 4:7 KJV-Thanked God continually for the healing that I knew was coming. Please help the vet figure out what is going on and Several of my cats have totally vanished. it has healing scriptures and sermons. It’s too complex and fragile to even touch. /r/Christians is also upholds the Five Solas of the Reformation, including salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. I prayed to God and his cut stopped bleeding after 3 Sep 26, 2020 · January 12, 2019, was just another day in pain. Most Gracious God, you created all living things, including my beautiful cat, whom I seem to have lost. They took xrays . Aug 19, 2006 · I have had the Lord heal my dogs severally and now my cat. It’s scary, and I don’t know why that is, but I want to learn how to pray God-sized prayers like her. My landlord doesn’t want them on the property and I need to move with them . In Natural Revelation, God makes himself known to humanity through creation. Because God created animals, he has regard for them. I studied the Word of God concerning healing. God loves you no matter what. Please arise over Blacko with healing in Your wings, as Your promised here in Malachi 4:2. He reminded me that my first and foremost task was to continue telling people about the Jesus I had introduced him to and that he did not feel that God had finished with me. God is a healer and the blood that Jesus Christ shed on Calvary was shed for the healing of our soul and our bodies (Isaiah 53). We were there when she took her last breath. He calls us to forge the way through suffering into the full experience of those psalms in the age to come. Sasha is my companion for 18 years and I want her to be with me for many more years. I asked God if His Word said anything about our animals. Please, Lord, redeem my sight from darkness and my life from the pit and crown me with love and Healing is still available. My husband and I put our 17 year old cat to sleep a few days ago. “This is what people take shots for,” I thought. 5. “For I am the Lord who heals you. Thank you for the love, companionship, and loyalty of my dog, my cat, my God. God Knows Your Heart Needs Healing. ” Life shows us this is not the case. I read Psalm 73 daily for several weeks; it helped me to walk out of the bitterness that was causing the pain in my hands and feet. And Jesus has forged a way through suffering. It was the best thing for my cat at the time and me. Healing Is Oct 23, 2022 · Jeremiah 33:6 (NIV) – Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and let them enjoy abundant peace and security. I had a similar episode that lasted 2 year around 12 years ago and I never thought I would have to go through that again. Pray for wisdom for the veterinarians treating the cat. Jun 26, 2023 · Gianni – Italian name that means “God is gracious. I prayed and fasted for Andres’ deliverance and healing. As you pray for peace and healing after your pet’s death, remember the most important prayer you could ever say: Thank you. Aug 29, 2017 · http://lisabuldo. God has me doing a Romans 1:20 book called Wonderful World. Then I saw two roads before me. Jul 30, 2008 · If I believe Romans 8:28, that God sovereignly orchestrates all events in my life for my ultimate spiritual good (and preeminently for his ultimate glory), I can only conclude that, all things being equal, if I'm not healed it is because God values something in me greater than my physical comfort and health that he, in his infinite wisdom and At the start of 2012, Pastor Prince preached on the power of meditating on God’s Word. I will also not forget how you forgive all my sins and heal all my diseases. I had grown up attending a Christian Science Sunday School but had drifted away from it as a teenager. Jesse – Hebrew name meaning “gift from God” Jonathon – Hebrew name for “a miracle of God. Nov 7, 2017 · But does God really care if my cat is sick? Would He take time from His busy schedule of healing folks and finding work for the unemployed, and protecting our troops and trying to make the Washington swamp solve our problems, to heal a cat just because I asked? You see, I’ve prayed about all those things for a while now, but Truffie’s fever? May 13, 2019 · One day I noticed that my cat, Gerard, was showing signs of a feline malady. I thank God for it every day. Click to watch Betty’s personal testimony. it is very good I suggest you visit it…savedhealed. Oh Lord, I come before you with a humble and grateful heart, seeking your divine blessing for my cherished cat. I dropped her to have her little baby toes chopped because my ex didnt want scratches on god knows what. May 17, 2022 · This story is about a time when God healed my cavities and I had the miracle verified by a dentist. Some aspects are healed immediately, others He heals over time as a way of transforming us into Christ's likeness. God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) to die the most horrific death for us. I wake up and do my prayers in the Oct 2, 2017 · 1) God’s loves us so much that is willing to heal our physical ailments. God can do anything. Exceptional Eyesight; 3. Bless me to prosper, walk in excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace, knowledge, wisdom, and love of Christ Dec 13, 2018 · After 9 months of this, my birthday came and my one wish was to have a garden salad buffet at Sonya’s Garden. Jan 26, 2016 · Study the Word of God concerning healing so that your faith can be strengthened to rebuke these attacks and believe for your healing. I know that You are the Source of all life and health, so in Jesus Name, I speak wholeness over my cat right now. Thank you for allowing me the time with (cat's name) that I had - he was such a blessing to me. Grant (pet's name Your peace as I place him/her in Your capable Oct 24, 2021 · Visit the post for more. Nov 30, 2012 · God wants you to have your health, He wants you to have your hair back. "I give my pictures (scans) out every day to somebody," Hart said. God's Healing of an Animal Animal Stories from All-Creatures. ” I also confessed that like Naaman in the Old Testament, my skin would be young again. I just lost my father-in-law and I know that he’s blessed to see Jesus face-to-face. Jun 24, 2024 · Prayer for a Healing Cat's Recovery: "God Almighty, we ask for Your healing touch upon our cat [Cat's Name], who is recovering from [specific 14900 Avery Ranch Blvd Suite c200-223 Austin, TX 78717 Phone: 1- 512 434 0660 Jun 3, 2024 · Hi my cat is brearimg hard is mouth stays open this stumit keeps going up can down He does this when he sleepimg. But God’s Word and the Gospel message are all about God’s deep Love for us. My question is, why wasn’t my father-in-law healed? I know that if we have enough faith, just as a mustard seed, we can move mountains. He’s my very best friend and I can’t imagine life without him. It was clear the kitten had been abandoned, so we decided to keep her and named her Missy. Please bless them with Often people pray ‘God will you please heal me’. We can take from Scripture that if God takes care of He’s kicked me out of the house with nothing but the clothes on my back many times (1993, 98, 2007, 2015, 2017, and 9/10/20) I can’t leave, through the years in a love less marriage, my three children moving away, I became the cat lady. Jan 28, 2013 · Some 25 years ago while I was serving in our community Christian Science Reading Room, a fellow church member was walking by and heard kitten cries from a densely leafed bush. I have asked God to put my punishment on me and only me because my animals are innocent. Coping with the pain of your cat dying can be one of the most difficult things you'll face. Apr 12, 2019 · Some think that the cat’s purr is the sound of blood flowing through a vein to the right side of the heart. I went to many doctors but they were unable to find out the cause of my pain. Even so, pets are all important to You whether it is a dog, cat, lizard, snake, hamster, pig, a fish whatever it may be, You created it. Make me whole in You. Merciful God, I pray that you grant my cat the gift of robust health and vitality so Aug 15, 2023 · Prayer for Playfulness: Gracious God, bless my playful cat [Cat’s Name]. God began to heal my spirit. And because he cares for his people, what matters deeply to them matters deeply to God. I stopped using the prescription drugs and changed my makeup upon promptings from the Holy Spirit. This aspect of God’s healing is most challenging to come to grips with. Today, I come before you again, requesting divine healing from cataracts. Please touch my eyes with Your healing grace, removing any affliction or discomfort. I don't remember that at all. But I mean, shouldn’t god be able to do miracles, if you pray long enough? I believe so but something tells me, god doesn’t help with anything and prayers are useless. See the best scriptures to confess for divine healing Isaiah 58:8 “Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. I took him to the emergency veterinarian, and he was treated overnight to help him relax. Can cat purrs heal bones? The idea of our kitties’ purrs healing bones isn’t as ‘out there’ as you may think! Thank you, Loving God, because I know you will heal my precious little cat. But when a heart breaks, it feels like nothing will ever heal it, but God can. But immediately I recalled a statement in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: “All of God’s Jun 28, 2021 · Not only can God heal us, He often then uses our testimony to help others. After all, He created them, and He watches over them. Please ask God to give her strength and her will to survive. I was unable to extricate the kitten, but soon my husband arrived and was able to get her out. Of course, now I continue to thank God often for my healing and all my other blessings. Mar 26, 2017 · “Jesus, Please Heal My Dog”: HE did! March 24, 2017 Do you think God can heal animals too? Author Dipali Patel Britton says absolutely yes. Amen Exodus 15:26 ESV / 6 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. For the first time in my life I had a fear of God and a fear of hell. It says, “But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works. I pray that you will just heal my cat, and help him get through this very bad sickness. Amen! Prayer for My Lost Cat to Come Home. He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. He had is befor i took my cat to 2 vets They look at him gave me meds for it Cent me home. Francis of Assisi to intercede for me and ask God to heal our 2yr old cat who has FIP. For that, I repent. Energy healing for cats can help: • Accelerate recovery from injuries and acute Short Prayer For Healing Eyes. 12. Bible Verses about God's Healing. It was comforting advice. God isn't a magic genie who gives things out just because we want them. I need a miracle of their safe return! I ask all of this in the name of Jesus! Jan 13, 2024 · Encouragement: The power of God’s Word has the ability to bring healing to our bodies. The key is for that to manifest in our world. You are not the only one who is experiencing this type of heartache and you won’t be the last. He showed me that as part of our blessings, our animals are healthy and strong! Jan 21, 2023 · Father God please have mercy upon my cat Sasha! Lay your healing hands upon her and heal whatever you find what is wrong with her. Besides my boyfriend, he's all the family I have. My fear is when people hear that statement, what they hear is, “God will heal everyone. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. Sensitive Smelling Senses; 4 But does God really care if my cat is sick? Would He take time from His busy schedule of healing folks and finding work for the unemployed, and protecting our troops and trying to make the Washington swamp solve our problems to heal a cat, just because I asked? Aug 15, 2022 · Thoughts of “pet heaven” won’t erase grief, but can bring peace and healing. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. I would give my own life for any of them. Dear God, I am asking for Your healing touch upon my eyes and vision. 690K subscribers in the happy community. When my first cat died, for weeks all I could think was, “I miss my cat so much. And please give the vet wisdom as they examine him/her. I feel hopeless. facebook. Deirdre McAndrew. In her book “Jesus, Please Heal My Dog”: Based on a true story, she shares a personal testimony about that very issue. All the best. Pray for provision for any medical treatment needed for the cat. These things are not a “medical miracle” like the atheist doctors will claim. com/LisaBuldo/I've got a quick miracle story for you today! The Power of God Healed my cat. I have had many, many prayers for it, and I knew [that] God had heard my prayers and that I am healed — I just kept looking for the manifestation of that healing. And the surgery went extremely well, and at a surprisingly low cost to me, and with a vet that happened to be a believer who afterwards gave credit to God for the success of the procedure. He's my very best friend and I can't imagine life without him. At age 11, my obsession hovered around two things, family and faith. In Psalm 38:5, we read: My wounds are foul and festering. Someone came up and prayed for my back and 4 hours later I felt my spine shift and now my back is healed. It was an accumulation of things from the moment that I was born. Please Jesus, tell her May 15, 2022 · I humbly ask you dear St. "It's the X-ray that shows I am healed. I also need the finances to move. 1 Peter 2:24 says, “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed. Daddy God is the great physician and master healer. Oct 23, 2020 · As they have enriched my life, I pray that I may enrich the lives of others. ” After this experience, God’s grace became much more real and powerful to me. 1. Prayer For Cats Happiness. com/https://www. God may not heal your physical scars (nor is He supposed to) but he can push you towards people who can (surgeons, doctors, etc). So, Lord, I come to You now praying for healing for my sick pet, (pet's name). Back in April of this year (2005), I noticed that my 13-year old cat Mimi was putting on weight -- no big deal. I have to give glory to God for this miracle regarding my kitty | house cat, miracle Jul 17, 2024 · Coping With the Loss of a Cat Can Be Devastating. When I was coming out of it, he said I said with tears rolling down my face, Jesus healed me and these are tears of joy. It is God's will to heal. I am a big fan of your site, and thought you would like me to tell you about the miraculous healing God wrought in the life of my pet cat. Think of God like a distant, but loving parent. Trust in Him and His love for you. I say all of this in Jesus’ Name. He loves exploring the neighborhood and over the years has built up his own territory. They help us feel God’s power, which stops sickness, pain, unhappiness, and anything else bad—which He never created. 33 years old Mar 13, 2017 · One day, my cat got spooked and bit me on the arm. God heal me totally in all areas of my life. God also reminds us that “every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10). The important thing you should probably do is to stop doing that drug. About six months ago, I went through a horrible scare. Thank You for Your divine power that restores and rejuvenates. ” (Psalm 73:28). I would be glad to send you my written testimony of what God did in my life. Sep 28, 2011 · During a meeting in Roundup, Montana, Barbara experienced a miraculous healing. Father God please hear my prayer and heal Sasha completely. Treatment by a veterinarian is much more likely to be effective quickly, though larger abscesses in a sick cat can take several weeks to fully heal. Sep 17, 2021 · The Holy Spirit also showed me other areas in my life that I had opened the door to this disease by not feeling enough, year after year. Believe in Jesus love for you. My Backstory. My cats are well kept, well fed, healthy happy and loved by me as well as they have helped me feel better Lord, (cat's name) is such a gentle soul; please welcome him into your arms and onto your lap. It takes faith,and just letting the word of God really sink into your spirit, and just believe that what the Lord says about healing is for you today because God still heals even in this day and age. One truth I often tell my kids is that God was already putting a plan together to heal our broken hearts. Oct 4, 2017 · I was amazed that God gave me his love and power to be healed. He is now about 6 years old. Prayer for healing eyes. For 7 years, my older brother accompanied me by grabbing coffee and waiting with me at my psychiatrist’s appointments. After a few weeks, a very specific incident happened at a Wedding Reception with Austin that tore both Matt and I up. I am in need of Your help. . Pray for strength and patience for the cat’s owners as they care for their beloved pet. Dec 19, 2023 · Create abundance for all creation when we participate and support the highest = truth = Mama Papa of all creation, to heal ourselves and all creation All donations go to supporting Mother Father of all creation Son Sun, MOC FOC JOCK AND PAC's mission to guiding all to love mirroring love = ascension. ” Jun 4, 2015 · “I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Ps. When I went home I had sever stomach ache. I keep calling for them and looking for them. org. com…. Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us our sweet fur baby. I ask for Your mercy and compassion upon them, as I entreat You for miraculous healing and restoration in their life. I ask that You would remove any physical ailments or conditions that are affecting my eyes and vision. May they find delight in chasing shadows, pouncing on toys, and exploring their surroundings. Aug 15, 2024 · Jesus please ask God to heal our baby Lucky. Encourage your faith as you listen to Betty Hertzler share her glorious testimony at a recent healing seminar of how she is healed from Parkinson’s disease. I am in need of Your Feb 26, 2018 · These healing messages tell us how loved and safe we all are as God’s spiritual creation. Second, in this world, God does heal. Most often, God works His best healing and transformation when we have broken hearts. Thank you very much. Dec 20, 2022 · God wants to heal every aspect of your being—heart, soul, body, mind, and spirit. Sep 25, 2019 · I have some besetting sins in my life that I commit on occasion, and I’m fearful that God has killed or allowed my dogs to die because of my sin as a way of punishing me. When the pain came back I went again to a doctor . I will always be so very grateful to you and will ensure my kids understand the power of God our Father. When we trust God to bring us to healing and wholeness, we become a beacon of hope to others navigating the same dark season that they too can make it out. Prayer for Health: Loving Creator, I lift up my cat [Cat’s Name] to your healing hands. You are not in the wrong to believe God for healing from scars, in fact faith to believe for this pleases Him. Oct 9, 2021 · Then long time friendstalked to Mum and Dad, telling them I could be healed. I know it's a dog, but she's special to me. ” Cat Purring: The Healing Effect on Humans. Here's where the "if" comes in. Lord, I thank You for Your awesomeness and power, for providing for my every need and the needs of my animal. Then yesterday, We had to put down my daughters cat. Please ask God to strengthen my faith in His healing power. Here is a suggested prayer for the healing of your cat: While we may not have explicit accounts of God healing animals in Scripture, we By addressing imbalances in the body’s energy fields, energy healing can support your cat’s natural healing processes and help them feel their best. Her dog was on the verge of death […] May 1, 2015 · God certainly healed me of addiction and emotional disorders. lea stxjk mevu lois wthqgj agk kxsczk nibaa txil pjof