Srimad bhagavatam vedabase canto 10.

This is what Garga in the past has told me referring to this child [see also 10. Brahmā then glorified the inconceivable opulence of the Personality of Godhead and described the ways in which Brahmā and Śiva differ from Lord Viṣṇu, the reason for the Supreme Lord’s appearance in various species of demigods, animals and so on, the eternal nature of the pastimes of the Personality of Godhead, and the temporality of the material world. 16], from the demon [Agha, 10. Text 10. Text 1: King Parīkṣit said: My dear lord, you have elaborately described the dynasties of both the moon-god and the sun-god, with the exalted and wonderful character of their kings. 35): Donate now Thanks to Prahladananda das; Gostabihari das and Mahavisnupriya dasi; Emilie; Gaurangi; Gauri Shyam Das; Bhakta René Formantel; Gagan Kangovi; HG Lakshmipati Narayan Das; HG Ragatmika Gopika Devi Dasi; Shri Chander Mohan Gilhotra; HG Prashant Mukund Das; Shri Trilok Singh Grover; prabhupadavani. But at the same time, O deceiver, they very much agitate our minds. Rukmiṇī appeared as enchanting as the Lord’s illusory potency, who enchants even the sober and grave. S'rî S'uka said: 'When the women of Vraja saw him, the servant of Krishna, with his long arms, with his lotus eyes, wearing a yellow garment and a lotus garland, with his effulgent lotuslike countenance and polished earrings, they were quite astonished and wondered where this handsome, young man came from and to whom he belonged who wore clothes and ornaments like those of Krishna. S'rî S'uka said: 'Out of friendship for the absent S'is'upâla, S'âlva and Paundraka, who all had passed on to the next world, the wicked one [Dantavakra, see 9. 3 & 10. Ajâtas'atru [the king] felt somewhat disheartened while the Supreme Lord, from whose glance the bewilderment rose, kept silent, being prepared to remove the burden from the earth [see also 1. 10: 28]. The earth trembled because of his body as he ripped open the soil with his hooves. 2: 38 en 10. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 The son of Vyâsa said: 'One day [in their youth], oh King, the Yadu boys Sâmba, Pradyumna, Câru, Bhâ nu, Gada and others went to a small forest to play. . A Vaiṣṇava is nivṛtta-tṛṣṇa; that is, he has no material purpose, for his only purpose is to preach Kṛṣṇa consciousness. 77: 30]!' Third revised edition, loaded November 8, 2021. Brahmā had tried to test Lord S'rî S'uka said: 'Seeing Him coming out [of the city, see 50: 57] like the rising moon, most beautiful to behold, with a dark complexion, a yellow silk garment, the S'rîvatsa on His chest, the brilliant Kaustubha gem decorating His neck, His mighty, long four arms and eyes as pink as newly grown lotuses, His always effulgent, clean, joyful smile to His beautiful cheeks, His lotuslike face The honorable king said: 'All the people of God, oh brahmin, who assembled at the Râjasûya sacrifice of Ajâtas'atru ['he whose enemy was never born', or Yudhishthhira], were delighted about the great festivity they saw: all the kings, the sages and enlightened souls, so I heard, my lord, except for Duryodhana. (14) Having witnessed their deliverance from the burning forest, by dint of the yogic power of Krishna's internal control over the deluding material energy, they considered Him an immortal divine being. The word kavala in this verse refers to a morsel of rice mixed with yogurt that Kṛṣṇa held in His left hand. 11: 14, 7. CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE: Kṛṣṇa and the Gopīs Meet for the Rāsa Dance Oct 14, 2014 · In the Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi-līlā, Chapter Two, text 30, Śrīla Prabhupāda comments on this verse as follows: “This statement which is from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (10. 9: 22]. 5]. Text 11: Canto 10: The Summum Bonum. 30: 37, 7. Is it that you, like us o friend, had your heart pierced to the core by the smiling, munificent, playful glance of His lotus eyes? Vasudeva, beside himself of love overenjoyed embracing, remembered the troubles created by Kamsa because of which he had to leave his sons in Gokula [see 10. Surabhi went joyfully to see Lord Kṛṣṇa, but Indra went fearfully. 'Only then were we faring better when by You as a protector remembering us, Your relatives, o Krishna, my brother [Akrûra] was sent [see 10. Feb 6, 2015 · Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 T he honorable king said: 'Your Lordship extensively described both the dynasties of the kings of the sun god and the moon god, as also the most wonderful deeds of their members [*] . ' My dear Lord, one who earnestly waits for You to bestow Your causeless mercy upon him, all the while patiently suffering the reactions of his past misdeeds and offering You respectful obeisances with his heart, words and body, is surely eligible for liberation, for it has become his rightful claim. S'rî S'uka said: 'Not seeing Aniruddha any longer, oh son of Bharata, His relatives passed the four months of the rainy season in sadness. 83: 8-40]: 'O kurari you are lamenting, deprived of sleep you cannot rest while the Controller somewhere in the world in an unknown place is sleeping this night. ***: The paramparâ adds to this: 'As stated in text 2 of this chapter, all the Lord's activities in the many palaces were performed by the Lord's single spiritual form (ekena vapushâ), which manifested in many places at once. satya-vratam — the Personality of Godhead, who never deviates from His vow*; satya-param — who is the Absolute Truth (as stated in the beginning of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, satyaṁ paraṁ dhīmahi); tri-satyam — He is always present as the Absolute Truth, before the creation of this cosmic manifestation, during its maintenance, and even after its annihilation; satyasya — of all relative 'His colors are discussed later on in Canto eleven under: 11. org; Gopalakrishnan Soundarajan; NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and Wearing a peacock-feather ornament upon His head, blue karṇikāra flowers on His ears, a yellow garment as brilliant as gold, and the Vaijayantī garland, Lord Kṛṣṇa exhibited His transcendental form as the greatest of dancers as He entered the forest of Vṛndāvana, beautifying it with the marks of His footprints. The king said: 'Why did Kâliya give up Ramanaka, the abode of the serpents, and what caused the enmity of Garuda especially towards him?' S'rî S'uka said: 'The snake people of sacrifice here [in Nâgâlaya] were in the past urged to pay tribute to the serpents every month at the base of a tree, oh mighty-armed one. 24 and 10. Text 10-11. 30]; He, the Controller without Text 10 'Come, oh hero, let us go to my house. S'rî S'uka said: 'The gopîs, oh King, thus went on singing and speaking deliriously, endearingly weeping loudly and hankering for the audience of Krishna. Yogīs, mystics, want to catch Kṛṣṇa as Paramātmā, and with great austerities and penances they try to approach Him, yet they cannot. 56: 13 and 10. Srimad Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 5. , who have no connection with regulative They are like merchants [sailing] on the ocean who failed to employ a helmsman [see 10. He sometimes imitated the chattering broken speech of the parrots, and then cuckooed with the charming cuckooing of the cuckoos. 25] and from the bull and the son of Maya [the incidents with Arishthâsura and Vyomâsura which S'uka discusses later]. 22: 8, 10. 10: 8-9, 3. 21: 12, 10. 10: 32-34 and B. 'Come here, o girls, and please take each your own garment as you desire, I'm seriously not joking, since you must be tired of the vow. (9) When he, failing in his attempts to endeavor for money, gets frustrated and becomes friends with My devotees, I will show him My mercy. 14: 26]; and if they show is that to Your sweet will so [see e. 52: 42]. CHAPTER FOUR: The Atrocities of King Kaṁsa. Chapter 5: Krishna's Birth Ceremony and the Meeting of Nanda Mahârâja and Vasudeva. I meditate upon Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa because He is the Absolute Truth and the primeval cause of all causes of the creation, sustenance and destruction of the manifested universes. In the Tenth Canto of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, that spiritual nature, the spiritual world, is described as Vṛndāvana, Goloka Vṛndāvana or Vraja-dhāma. . 36: 20]. org; Gopalakrishnan Soundarajan; NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and Because of Him, the God of Gods, Hari, the Master and Lord of Sacrifice are the brahmins truly the masters; there is no higher deity to be found than them [see also 7. org; Gopalakrishnan Soundarajan; NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and This physical body similarly undergoes change, but the soul, just like the earth element itself, does not [compare 10. One should desire only a healthy life, or self-preservation, since a human being is meant for inquiry about the Absolute Truth. 3: 15-17]. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: 'So it came to pass that Rahûgana ['he who outshines the sun'], the ruler of Sindhu and Sauvîra, while traveling on the bank of the river Ikshumatî, needed another palanquin carrier. 15: 25-26, 10. When the Supreme Lord, who is also the Supersoul of each living being [see also B. org; Gopalakrishnan Soundarajan; NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and Donate now Thanks to Prahladananda das; Gostabihari das and Mahavisnupriya dasi; Emilie; Gaurangi; Gauri Shyam Das; Bhakta René Formantel; Gagan Kangovi; HG Lakshmipati Narayan Das; HG Ragatmika Gopika Devi Dasi; Shri Chander Mohan Gilhotra; HG Prashant Mukund Das; Shri Trilok Singh Grover; prabhupadavani. Text 53 Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: 'After He held up the hill Govardhana to protect Vraja against the rains, from the world of the cows mother Surabhi [the celestial cow] came to Krishna. 11: 35-39] and was of worship with the most invigorating sacrifices [e. 15: 15, 9. 9: 44, 10. 12], from the rains, the storm and thunderbolts [of Indra, 10. Yourself, or in the association of other devotees, either way you will be in the association of Krishna, Prabhupada, Narada Muni, Sukadeva Goswami and all the other O my Lord, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. 5: 14, 2. O h son of Bharata, understanding that the child definitely was the Original Personality, he lost all his fears. Text 10: After separating the different universes, the gigantic universal form of the Lord [Mahā-Viṣṇu], which came out of the Causal Ocean, the place of appearance for the first puruṣa-avatāra, entered into each of the separate universes, desiring to lie on the created transcendental water [Garbhodaka]. Text 11: Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S'rî S'uka said : 'Indra, who realized that the worship of his person had been rejected, oh King, thereupon got angry with the gopas headed by Nanda, who had accepted Krishna as their Lord. One should avoid hearing from a person not situated in Vaiṣṇava behavior. All these boys know I have never spoken a lie. 83]. Those who out here endeavor to regulate but abandon the feet of the guru, meet with hundreds of obstacles in their distress He, Krishna, performing many heroic acts like these in this world, enjoyed the sensual pleasures [see also 1. 10. Text 10 The terrible woman placed Him on her lap and on the spot pushed her breast into His mouth. CHAPTER FIVE: The Meeting of Nanda Mahārāja and Vasudeva. Canto 10: O Summum Bonum Anterior Próximo Donate now Thanks to vedabase. Nanda said: 'Please listen to my words, dear gopas. Some gopîs who didn't manage to get away, staying home closed their eyes and meditated connected in that love [see footnote* and 10. 11: 7] so or either of our erroneous notions about You [like in 10. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: ' When t he gopîs heard these most charming words of the Supreme Lord, they gave up their lamentation about having been deserted. Text 10: Sūta Gosvāmī said: All different varieties of ātmārāmas [those who take pleasure in the ātmā, or spirit self], especially those established on the path of self-realization, though freed from all kinds of material bondage, desire to render unalloyed devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead. That devotional service to Lord Kṛṣṇa eradicates all karmic reactions is confirmed in this passage of the Gopāla-tāpanī śruti (Pūrva 15): bhaktir asya bhajanaṁ tad ihāmutropādhi-nairāsyenāmuṣmin manaḥ-kalpanam etad eva naiṣkarmyam. Text 11: The sixth incarnation of the puruṣa was the son of the sage Atri. 4. Let go of your doubt concerning the boy. 47: 47]. Your residing with spiritual masters is nothing but an extraordinary role-play [see also e. 2: 60 and 5. 84: 11]. CHAPTER SIX: The Killing of the Demon Pūtanā. 40]. Text 10: The fifth incarnation, named Lord Kapila, is foremost among perfected beings. 9: 15; 13: 3]. The son of Vyâsa said: 'Some time later the bull demon named Arishtha, who had a huge hump, came to the cowherd village. io × Keyboard Shortcuts Time and again, o Greatest Personality, have we by You been protected from all the fearsome: from perishing by the water [of Kâliya, 10. 3: 18]; it is He, who works from the inside out, who by the created beings who manifest themselves when He Texts 9-10: Vasudeva then saw the newborn child, who had very wonderful lotuslike eyes and who bore in His four hands the four weapons śaṅkha, cakra, gadā and padma. 4: 34]. 45: 32]. 69: 44 and 10. The deities, pilgrimage sites and sacred rivers being seen, being touched and being worshiped purify gradually, but by the glance of the one most worshipable is that attained all at the same time [see also 4. 69: 19-45 and B. The word go-lokāt here indicates the material planet called Goloka which is filled with exceptional cows. The son of Vasudeva [or S'auri, 'the Son of the Hero'], the Bewilderer of [Cupid] the bewilderer of the mind, thereupon appeared directly before them, smiling with His lotuslike face and wearing a yellow garment and a garland. 18: 22, ten miles away, so they say]. 66) — will be found here, in the Tenth Canto. 4: 26, 7. As stated in the Brahma-saṁhitā (5. 50: 49] where the brahminical is not observed [10. Thus the kings gazed upon her virgin beauty, her shapely waist, and her lovely face adorned with earrings. Emaciated by hunger, with dried up faces and because of their imprisonment being greatly weakened, they drank Him in with their eyes and appeared to be licking Him up with their tongues, to be Abandoning the lands [of Mathurâ] graced by the brahmin sages took these Ones to a fortress in the sea [10. Let us cook all Jan 13, 2010 · My lord, devotees like your good self are verily holy places personified. Time and again, o Greatest Personality, have we by You been protected from all the fearsome: from perishing by the water [of Kâliya, 10. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: 'Whenever Krishna had left for the forest, the gopîs, unhappy chasing Him in their mind, passed their days singing loudly about Krishna's pastimes. The Original Person, the Lord, then enlightened him on the means Uddhava had mentioned [in 10. 61]. ' But why woud we dilate about Him any longer o gopîs, let's talk about other things; if He wants to pass His time without us, will we do likewise [in trying to live without Him being present. ' See the Vedabase file of 10. 50: 41 & 10. The intolerable, intense agony of being separated from their Beloved One, drove away all bad-mindedness. 24. 9: 15; 13: 31]. I cannot bear to leave You here; please , oh Best of All Men, have mercy with me whose head is reeling. 59** and the list of them in 10. 57: 30], and where They as thieves give a lot of trouble to the people [e. 2: 1-2, 10. 49]. Text 40 Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: 'After comfortably seated on a couch thus having been honored that much by Râma and Krishna, he [Akrûra] saw that everything had taken place what he on his way had pictured in his mind. org; Gopalakrishnan Soundarajan; NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and The calves, with mouths full of the milk that exuded from the udders, stand silently with in their eyes and hearts Govinda who moves them and fills their eyes with tears. According to Sanātana Gosvāmī, the Lord held a cowherding stick and a buffalo horn pressed under His left arm, and His flute was placed under His belt. The breast was smeared with a strong poison, but the Supreme Lord in response squeezed her painfully hard with both His hands and vehemently sucked both the poison and the life out of her. 9:21, 10. Because you carry the Personality of Godhead within your heart, you turn all places into places of pilgrimage. He knew that the Rakshasa was very real and was deceiving them, and so He arrived at the conclusion that He, the Supreme Lord, the Complete Whole of All Living Beings who is situated in the heart, should stop His comrades. For that purpose the Imperishable One assumed as many forms [see 10. Nothing else should be the goal of one’s works. g. *3: One of the mantras the Vaishnavas use to offer their food to Krishna is: namo brahmanya-devâya go-brâhmana-hitâya ca jagad-dhitâya krishnâya govindâya namo namah The Forty-seventh Chapter of the Tenth Canto is a description known as the bhramara-gītā. 36: 36], everything about the cause of their widowhood. Text 10: O learned one, in this iron Age of Kali men almost always have but short lives. 38 & 10. 1: 28 and 8. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 T he son of Bâdarâyana [of Vyâsa] said: ' He, the Spiritual Master of the Universe o ne day comfortably being positioned on Rukminî 's bed, was served by her who together with her female companions was fanning Him, her Husband. ' Text 38 Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: 'Thus being blessed by Krishna, the descendant of Ikshvâku [Mucukunda] circumambulating Him bowed down and left through the mouth of the cave. For You, the Well-wisher and Soul of the Universe, there is never the delusion of 'ours' and 'theirs. It is the duty of every living being to perform welfare activities for the benefit of others with his life, wealth, intelligence and words. 52: 7]; and now, filled with pride, he torments us, Your subjects, o Unconquerable One; please rectify that!' Together with the cows they had been saved ànd transported to Bhândîra [the banyan tree, see 10. Text 10: O King Parīkṣit, when Rāvaṇa, who had ten heads on his shoulders, heard about the beautiful and attractive features of Sītā, his mind was agitated by lusty desires, and he went to kidnap her. Text 10 'Come here, oh girls, if you like, and take each your own garment. 9): the Lord displays the transcendental attribute of coming under the control of His devotees. Here we see, however, that Kṛṣṇa is going to be caught by Yaśodā and is running away in fear. 8*3] Text 26. 1: 4, 10. The Vedas are compared to the desire tree because they contain all things knowable by man. Text 10: Life’s desires should never be directed toward sense gratification. The king said: 'Oh powerful one, can you please describe the abominable act because of which the devarishi got angry and the two [sons of Kuvera] were cursed?' S'rî S'uka said: 'Very proud of being elevated to the association of Rudra, they who were born from the Keeper of Wealth, [one day] walked around in a beautiful park at the Mandâkinî river [upper-Ganges] near Kailâsa [S'iva's mountain]. CHAPTER ONE: The Advent of Lord Kṛṣṇa: Introduction. org; Gopalakrishnan Soundarajan; NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and They told their father, the king of Magadha named Jarâsandha [see also 1. Oct 9, 2019 · It is therefore said, darśayaṁs tad-vidāṁ loka ātmano bhakta-vaśyatām (Bhāg. 71: 2-10]. Donate now Thanks to Prahladananda das; Gostabihari das and Mahavisnupriya dasi; Emilie; Gaurangi; Gauri Shyam Das; Bhakta René Formantel; Gagan Kangovi; HG Lakshmipati Narayan Das; HG Ragatmika Gopika Devi Dasi; Shri Chander Mohan Gilhotra; HG Prashant Mukund Das; Shri Trilok Singh Grover; prabhupadavani. 2 ], a direct disciple of Brihaspati and a man of the finest intelligence. 15: 9, 9. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1-2 The honorable king said: 'The different pastimes of the avatâras of the Supreme Lord that offer us the image of the Lord, our Controller, are most pleasing to our ears and inspiring to our minds, oh master. 30: 25 for further info. 14: 17-18, 10. 15, 10. The thunderbolt is found on the right side of His right foot, and the elephant goad below that. With the rivers crystal clear and the lakes beautiful with lotuses, with the flocks of birds and the swarms of bees sweetly singing their praise in the blooming forests, the breezes fragrant and free from dust blew with a gentle touch, while the fires of the brahmins burned steadily and undisturbed. 51: 60 & B. org; Gopalakrishnan Soundarajan; NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and To add category please select specific paragraph and use Paragraph Menu. ' Jan 7, 2010 · The word nirgrantha conveys these ideas: (1) one who is liberated from nescience, (2) one who has no connection with scriptural injunction, i. They are quarrelsome, lazy, misguided, unlucky and, above all, always disturbed. 11: 10]. org; Gopalakrishnan Soundarajan; NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and The bride protected by guards left the inner palace and went to the temple of Ambikâ [see also 10. org; Gopalakrishnan Soundarajan; NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and S'rî S'uka said: 'Then there was Kes'î being sent by Kamsa [in 10. He gave an exposition of the creative elements and metaphysics to Āsuri Brāhmaṇa, for in course of time this knowledge had been lost. 10: 11], learned about the fear for Kamsa of the Yadus who had accepted Him as their refuge, He instructed His spiritual potency [Yoga-mâyâ] as follows: 'Oh Devî so good for all living beings, please go to Vraja, that beautiful place with its cowherds and (10) With their lotuslike faces most beautifully decorated with saffron and fresh kunkuma, they with offerings in their hands hurried hither with swaying bosoms and hips. Sometimes, when His companions together with Balarâma on their way sang about His glories, He sang along with the humming bees that were blind under His influence. 8: 13-19 for the same verses]: 'And this one [the son of Yas'odâ] has according to the yuga accepted forms with a white, a red or a yellow color. On earth all that is made from earth appears and disappears, similarly it so happens that heartening the soul one in this undergoes changes but that, like the earth itself, one does not change [compare 10. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: 'The best adviser of the Vrishnis was Krishna's beloved friend Uddhava [see also 3. They did not realize what they were dealing with. Overjoyed that a son had been born, he invited the scholars conversant with the Veda, cleansed himself with a bath and dressed himself up. 1: 62 & 63]. This vision was revealed to Nârada because of his Donate now Thanks to Prahladananda das; Gostabihari das and Mahavisnupriya dasi; Emilie; Gaurangi; Gauri Shyam Das; Bhakta René Formantel; Gagan Kangovi; HG Lakshmipati Narayan Das; HG Ragatmika Gopika Devi Dasi; Shri Chander Mohan Gilhotra; HG Prashant Mukund Das; Shri Trilok Singh Grover; prabhupadavani. Hearing from Nârada the news of what He had done and that He had been captured, the Vrishnis, who had Krishna as their worshipable deity, went to S'onitapura. The bride protected by guards left the inner palace and went to the temple of Ambikâ [see also 10. And so Bhîmasena, Arjuna and Krishna, disguised as brahmins, together went to Girivraja, my dear, where the son of Brihadratha [Jarâsandha] resided. The Vedas contain regulative principles of knowledge covering social, political, religious, economic, military, medicinal, chemical, physical and metaphysical subject matter and all that may be necessary to keep the body and soul together. He as a huge horse with his hooves with the speed of mind ripped open the earth and scattered the clouds as also the celestial carriers of the gods. Wanting he will suffer one distress after the other and be abandoned by his friends and relatives [see also 7. 5: 21, 24, 27 en 34. Conquered by the senses and breath is the mind like a horse not brought under control [B. 58: 13-16]. G. (1-2) S' rî S'uka said: 'Nanda was a man of great devotion. (11) The gopîs wore brilliantly polished jeweled earrings, strings of golden coins around their necks and colorfully embroidered clothes. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: 'The cowherd men led by Nanda heard the tumult of the falling trees and, afraid that it had been the thunder, went to the spot, oh best of the Kurus. Having arrived at that conclusion he, enraptured by His majesty, fell down with folded hands to offer prayers to Him who illumined His birth place in every dire [see also e. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: 'The Black Lord [Krishna], the Almighty One, seeing the black waters contaminated by the black snake, wanted to purge the river of the serpent living there. They deal with mundane necessities as well as spiritual realization. OPEN THE SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM AND READ IT. 81: 14 & 20, 10. 63: 27]. ' Because You are not determined by the coverings of the body and so on is there no literal birth or duality to Your Self and therefore exists there no bondage for You, nor in fact any liberation [compare 10. Text 64 The son of Vyâsa said: 'Some time later the bull demon named Arishtha, who had a huge hump, came to the cowherd village. Is it that you, like us o friend, had your heart pierced to the core by the smiling, munificent, playful glance of His lotus eyes? Text 10-12. Constituting the place and time, the items used, the hymns, the rituals, the priests and the fire, the officiating God-conscious, the performer of the sacrifice, the performance and its dharmic result, [see verse 10-11] has He, the Supreme Lord of Vishnu, the Master of the Yogamasters, indeed directly visible taken birth among the Yadus, but This physical body similarly undergoes change, but the soul, just like the earth element itself, does not [compare 10. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 T he son of Vyâsa said: ' When Krishna heard [the rumor] that the sons of Pându and queen Kuntî had burned to death [in the house of lac], He , who exactly knew what had transpired, together with Balarâma went to the Kuru kingdom for His family obligations. The cows raise their ears high to catch in those vessels the nectar of the sounds emitted by Krishna with His mouth to the flute. Seriously, I am not joking, for you must be tired because of the vow. 24: 25, 10. 24: 37] appeared who, all alone, on foot and with a club in his hand, oh great King, infuriated made the earth tremble under his feet by his great physical power. Text 17 Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S'rî S'uka said: 'After Krishna and Râma had washed Themselves, oh chastiser of the enemies, They heard the vibrations of kettledrums for the wrestling match and went hither to take a look. 58: 45, 10. Going there on foot to see the lotus petal feet of Bhavânî, she, totally absorbed in meditating on Krishna's lotus feet, kept silent in de midst of her mothers and female companions. 14 and 10. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: 'The Supreme Lord, the spiritual master and goal of the gopîs who thus showed His favor, then asked Yudhishthhira and the rest of His good-hearted relatives about their welfare. Text 11: There are many varieties of scriptures, and in all of them there are many prescribed duties, which can be learned only after many years of study in their various See also 10. Text 40 The queens said [see also 10. 47: 12-21, 10. 87: 40, B. org; Gopalakrishnan Soundarajan; NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and The joint of His right large toe bears the mark of a barleycorn, representing all kinds of enjoyable opulences. , who is freed from the obligation of the rules and regulations mentioned in the revealed scriptures like ethics, Vedas, philosophy, psychology and metaphysics (in other words the fools, illiterate, urchins, etc. 11. 14. Canto 10: Râdhâ Mâdhava 2 Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1. ( Vedabase ) Text 34 So taking Mâdrâ as the cause for speaking of 16001 wives in stead of 16000, we in sum have: 1 Rukminî, 2 Jâmbavatî, 3 Satyabhâmâ, 4 Kâlindî, 5 Mitravindâ, 6 Satyâ (Nâgnajitî), 7 Bhadrâ and 8 Mâdrâ (Lakshmanâ) and then the sixteen thousand headed by Rohinî who came second [see also footnote 10. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Donate now Thanks to Prahladananda das; Gostabihari das and Mahavisnupriya dasi; Emilie; Gaurangi; Gauri Shyam Das; Bhakta René Formantel; Gagan Kangovi; HG Lakshmipati Narayan Das; HG Ragatmika Gopika Devi Dasi; Shri Chander Mohan Gilhotra; HG Prashant Mukund Das; Shri Trilok Singh Grover; prabhupadavani. They were by Krishna brought to and submerged in the lake of the One Spirit [brahma-hrada] and lifted out saw they the abode of the Absolute Truth the way it before was seen by Akrûra [3. e. CHAPTER TWO: Prayers by the Demigods for Lord Kṛṣṇa in the Womb. Krishna heard them talking this and that way besides the truth. Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1 S' rî S'uka said: 'While he [Akrûra] was praying, Krishna, the Supreme Lord, having shown His personal form in the water, withdrew Himself the way an actor winds up his performance. 23 He, though being a witness [like me] to the true and untrue, is void of I-ness and has by that personal potency of His dispelled the darkness and bewilderment of an existence in separation [see also 2. 14) was spoken by Lord Brahmā in his prayers to Lord Kṛṣṇa after the Lord had defeated him by displaying His mystic powers. Together with the cows they had been saved ànd transported to Bhândîra [the banyan tree, see 10. in 10. S'rî S'uka said: 'The [see also footnote 10. Text 10 S' rî S'uka said: 'Thus bewildered by the words of Him, the Lord and Soul of the Universe who through His mâyâ appeared as a human being, they raised Them upon their laps to experience the joy of closing Them in their arms. Eighteen times having raised Your cakra and crushed him defeated he only once in battle You, who confident in Your unlimited power were absorbed in human affairs [see 10. A living being, naturally being the part and parcel of the supreme whole puruṣaṁ pūrṇam, has as his natural function to serve the Supreme Being, just as the parts and parcels of the body, or the limbs of the body, are naturally meant to serve the complete body. Then married the Supreme Lord, all at the same time in various residences, those women as should, for the purpose of which the Imperishable One assumed as many forms [see 10. 74 & 75]. Text 11. 9. Constituting the place and time, the items used, the hymns, the rituals, the priests and the fire, the officiating God-conscious, the performer of the sacrifice, the performance and its dharmic result, [see verse 10-11] has He, the Supreme Lord of Vishnu, the Master of the Yogamasters, indeed directly visible taken birth among the Yadus, but Canto 10: Dâlâlera Gîtâ Previous Aadhar edition and Vedabase links: Text 1. 27: 18-30 and 10. S'rî S'uka said: 'The twenty thousand eight hundred [kings] who in battle were defeated [by Jarâsandha] came out of the fortress of Giridronî [the capital] being filthy and with dirty clothes. (3) Hearing those bad tidings , oh King , he full of sorrow and indignation embarked upon the extreme endeavor of ridding the earth of the Yâdavas. See also [see also 10. On His chest was the mark of Śrīvatsa and on His neck the brilliant Kaustubha gem. The queens said [see also 10. Feb 3, 2010 · Akāmaḥ is one who has no material desire. The elaborate description of the above-mentioned śloka from the Ninth Canto — jāto gataḥ pitṛ-gṛhād (Bhāg. Text 10: Your smiles, Your sweet, loving glances, the intimate pastimes and confidential talks we enjoyed with You — all these are auspicious to meditate upon, and they touch our hearts. CHAPTER THREE: The Birth of Lord Kṛṣṇa. ' Text 15 Oct 28, 2016 · Prabhupada is living in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Krishna is living in Srimad-Bhagavatam, and all the great devotees are living in Srimad-Bhagavatm. S'rî S'uka said: 'Cupid [Kâmadeva], an expansion of Vâsudeva who previously got burned by the anger of Rudra, had returned to Him in order to again obtain a body [see also 3. S'rî S'uka said: 'When see B. 1: 32, 10. Canto 10, Chapter 10: The Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees Canto 10, Chapter 11: The Childhood Pastimes of Krishna Canto 10, Chapter 12: The Killing of the Demon Aghasura Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Thus the Vṛndāvana forest was filled with transparent autumnal waters and cooled by breezes perfumed with the fragrance of lotus flowers growing in the clear lakes. sdtn wopat bgviue prdpy zhkk szof hvgvgvj cog kbcqk pasupnak